Homeschooler's Question: How much do APs matter on applications?


<p>I'm a homeschooling junior who has no experience with the AP program. I'm planning on taking several AP exams in May, as this would be my last chance to get them on applications... but before I decide to dedicate myself to prep, there are a few questions I was hoping to get some thoughts on.</p>

<li><p>How much do AP exam scores factor into the admissions process? Would having no APs versus having 2-3 APs exams, self studied, make a big difference? I anticipate with prep that I could get at least 4s on the subjects I am considering. Is it important as a homeschooler to take AP tests so as to further corroborate things like GPA? Does a lack of AP courses and tests detract from one's chances, or can you get by without them?</p></li>
<li><p>Is it worth it to bother with the specific AP exams I'm considering? (Calc AB, Bio, Env. Science) I'm taking Calc 1 this semester at a local university, but I'm told that a 5 on the AP test would give me a better chance of getting credit at a different college. I've taken two years of Bio, not AP material, but with prep books I think I could manage. Env. Science I've heard overlaps some with Bio and is easy to self study. Should I be considering others instead, though, considering that the ones I take this year are the only ones that will appear on applications?</p></li>

<p>For the record, the colleges I have in mind include Harvard, Princeton, Duke, etc. </p>

<p>(P.S. If I should have posted this in the homeschool section, I apologize.. It seemed that my questions were of a general nature and belonged here.)</p>


<p>i don’t know much about homeschooling, but if you do well on ap’s that you studied for yourself, i definitely think it will help you. it shows you’re willing to work outside of what you’re provided with, which is important for top schools. also, ap’s can help you place out of intro or requirement courses in college, so you can save money and time. taking the ap’s can only help. even if you do bad, you can opt to not put ur scores on ur app. i would suggest taking them. but, if you choose not to take them, i don’t think it will hurt your admissions chances because you did not otherwise have the opportunity to take them, unlike kids at large public/private schools</p>

<p>It will help you to an extent, in the sense that it’ll put you above a certain bar. However, top schools generally admit you for a REASON, which often is a reason of their own; not because you’re just a good student showing promise. So I would think about why they would <em>want</em> to admit you. Amazing students with several AP’s get randomly rejected quite frequently, and nobody knows why the people who get in do as opposed to the others very clearly.</p>