<p>So my school is a private school where every student must purchase a laptop. Everyone, students and teachers, have school email addresses. We're doing group projects for english and my teacher is demanding that we email our homework to her by 7:00 pm Sunday. When I went and talked to her about the fact that well, we're not really obligated to turn in our homework when we don't have school (only way nicer), she said "well, our class is really far behind, so we just have to." I'm sorry, but the only reason our class is behind is because our teacher misses 1+ day every week in order to travel to stupid year book conferences all over the east coast. It's not that it's going to be some huge inconvenience for me to hand something in on Sunday, it's just like "really?" I don't understand why we can't hand it on on Monday which happens to be a school day.</p>
<p>If you go to a private school… they can make you turn in homework at 4am Tuesday morning.</p>
<p>If it was public you could dispute… sorry.</p>
<p>^ What he said. Sorry.</p>