Honesty and the TCU Honors supplementals

So the TCU Honors application includes some supplemental essays and instructs students to write them entirely on their own, with no editing or help of any kind from a parent, teacher, paid essay specialist etc.

What are the chances that my daughter is one of the only students who follows this instruction? We call her the moral police so I assure you she wouldn’t ever let anyone so much as peak at it, but I wonder how many others will.

Also…wouldn’t it be nice if this was the standard for all college essays? A LOT of weight is put on the essays, but not everyone has the same resources for perfecting them.

@PickleParent I think this is a good standard for supplements, yes, since it forces us students to be introspective and demonstrate our writing skills that would be further developed in college. As far as ALL essays, of course not everyone would follow this. I think it is helpful to have other sets of eyes on things before submitting them - that’s not to say they are writing them or changing phrases, but rather pointing out errors or sentence structure that could use rearrangement/ are confusing, before turning in the final copy.

In college, many of the many papers I have written I have showed to trusted friends to review for their feedback, and to take constructive criticism and improve them. So in that way, perhaps application essays and college are similar. Just a thought. Go Frogs!

Hi, I know my question pertains to the Chancellor’s scholarship, but no one has posted on that thread in a long time. I have been accepted as a finalist for TCU’s Chancellor’s scholarship this year and will head to campus on Febuary 10th for the interview and all. I was wondering if you had some more information on what the interview actually looks like or would be willing to provide some tips for it. I thought I read that the interview is split into two meetings, one maybe with a panel? If you could give me some insight into what the whole process looks like and how I should prepare for the weekend that would be great. Thanks!

Hi @lvw137, congratulations on being invited! That’s huge! My first piece of advice would be to bring a jacket lol because it looks to be really cold in Fort Worth this week, but that is definitely not what it is like most of the time. I have posted about CSW before, so yes you read about it correctly. I assume you have the schedule of events over the three days, and I’m so glad that it is in person again! Enjoy yourself, ask current students questions as they will have good advice.

I believe the interview format will be like pre-covid again, which yes consists of 2 different interviews (there will be a break between them) with 2 different panels - I can’t guarantee as to the size, but anywhere from 2-5 people I would think. Do you have a prompt for these? I did, so I made a rough outline of things I wanted to include and started practicing in a mirror and timed myself to get it within the prescribed limit. You can be as creative as you want, but make sure also not to be robotic. Tell your interviewers what you have done (don’t be shy), your future plans (if you know), and how you see yourself fitting in TCU (this part is optional). As interviewers, we want to get to know you, not what you think we want to see. They will all want you to succeed.

Remember that every other finalist is just as nervous as you are - and that’s normal! Be open, be friendly, and be yourself. And make sure to take pictures and get some with your parent/guardian as well in case you do end up going to TCU. They’ll be fun to look back on a few years down the road!

Thank you for your reply! I have read through your other posts and found the first prompt - “The TCU Mission is: To educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community. The past and present Chancellor’s Scholars have served as student leaders by embracing and epitomizing the mission. How have you embodied the TCU mission, and how will you continue to uphold it as a student at the University?” - but I could not find much on the other interview panel. Do you happen to know what that one is like, and the time limits for both of them? Thanks again for the help, and I will definitely be packing a jacket haha.

Since some time has passed I don’t remember for sure. I think one session was with the presentation / response to prompt, and the other was more of an open-ended conversation/ Q&A. Did you receive any packet or link with instructions? I think the time limit should be somewhere in there, but I checked a recording of me practicing the night before that I saved back then and it was around 6 minutes. Sorry that I can’t be more helpful, I feel like an old person that can’t remember anymore haha, but I’m sure it will all come back to me if I think hard enough. Don’t hesitate to ask more questions!

Go Frogs :frog:

That’s totally fine! I havn’t received a packet or link yet, but I’m sure I will in the coming days. I really appreciate the help and am excited for the weekend.

Hi, my daughter was also selected to go to this weekend, it didn’t sound as if anything needed to be prepared beforehand. Sounded like it would be just interviews.