<p>I applied 11/24, UW and Honors app online and mailed the Honors letter of recommendation. I got my UW accepance a couple of weeks ago. The Honors site says that they'll send me a note when their application is complete, but I haven't heard anything from them. Has anyone else applying for Honors and accepted by UW heard anything from the Honors dept?</p>
<p>I thought I read somewhere on here that you don’t get notified about honors until Feb/Mar. It may be another school I am thinking of.</p>
<p>That’s what I read on the website, that you hear back in April whether you got accepted to Honors… kind of late
[UW</a> Honors - Application FAQ](<a href=“http://depts.washington.edu/uwhonors/apply/freshman/faq/]UW”>http://depts.washington.edu/uwhonors/apply/freshman/faq/)</p>
<p>Yeah, I know that I won’t hear about getting in or not for a while. I just thought I read that I’d get something that said that my application was complete – I think that the only thing that wasn’t done online was the teacher recommendation. I haven’t heard anything from the Honors office.</p>
<p>Found it in the FAQ:
14. How do I know that my application is complete?
A. If you have submitted your online Honors Application, you can view your application’s completion status by logging into the system and we will also send you notification when we have received your letter of recommendation and when your Honors Program application is complete. If, however, you submitted your application on paper, we will send you notification by mail of your application completion status.</p>
<p>i applied to the honors college and got an email letting me know that they received my letter and it has been matched with my application…so im assuming that’s what they do if yours has been submitted successfully. hope that helps :)</p>
<p>Same with bbut514. Got an email saying they received my letter of rec, and that it’s been matched. You should’ve gotten it by now…I applied on the 1st of December and I got that email late December, acceptance last week.</p>