Honors Bamabound 1--Comments,Suggestions

<p>This is what it said:</p>

<p>"Your class schedule was canceled. If you plan to attend this semester, you may re-enroll in courses at anytime during the current registration period. Your payment options and due date will be indicated on your student account so that you may confirm your class schedule.</p>

<p>Thank You,</p>

<p>The Office of the University Registrar"</p>

<p>We actually looked at her schedule together on our computer after she got out of advising and I saw all of her classes on her schedule. She used the computer with a real advisor at Lloyd Hall. My daughter says she definitely logged out of the computer. It’s going to be a long weekend waiting for the registrar’s office to open!</p>

<p>Very odd. Is there any chance your D accidentally cancelled her schedule? I’m sure this will be a long weekend as she waits to contact someone. Good luck and keep us posted on how this works out.</p>

<p>I don’t think so, but who knows? I’ll let you know what happens.</p>

<p>i went back and check - no similar email for S. Whew. We did BB Session 2.</p>

<p>S was able to get his classes without any problem. He was able to get three Honors courses - Honors Calc 1, Honors Engineering 103 and the UH 120 that they recommended.</p>

<p>One thing I thought of at the last moment was bar soap and hair dryer. We are so used to having these at hotels, I almost forgot. I also agree that if you are cold nature take an additional blanket and your own pillow.</p>

<p>Another meal that is not included for parents is dinner on day 1. I guess this is so you can go out for dinner if you like. We didn’t expect breakfast on day 1, so we were prepared. We ate at the food court. They had a $5 fee.</p>

<p>I would like to see the transportation lecture be included in the students agenda.</p>

<p>So, has her schedule disappeared? </p>

<p>See if she can add back in her classes.</p>

<p>I have never heard of this happening.</p>

<p>Yes, it just disappeared. She was able to register for one of her classes, possibly two. And that class is showing on her schedule and has not disappeared (yet). But the honors biology is closed, as well as regular chemistry. Thank you for asking. We’re trying not to think about it too much until Monday. We will keep checking to see if anything opens up.</p>

<p>Just sat down with my D to look at courses on MyBama and totally confused. Why are all the classes showing full?
We cant’ find Eng 131 - not listed at all…</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>New seats are opened in freshman classes at every Bama Bound. For classes typically taken by frosh, I would plan assuming that space will be available, but of course have a backup plan.</p>

<p>ENGR 131 may not be an option for an incoming freshman student. It is being phased out. I believe you will want ENGR 103 as it combines the former 131/141.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD</p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>So, as promised, I will let you know what happened. Fortunately, over the weekend I was able to get my daughter back into all of her classes but one, an honors class which was her priority. Yesterday I received a response from the registrar that at 10:21 on Friday when my daughter had just sat down at the computer with an advisor to begin scheduling classes, a “withdrawal from all classes” was submitted which did not go through until 12:21, after my daughter had registered for all of her classes and I saw them on the computer. They are not sure what happened, this has never happened before etc. Because she was with an advisor at the time it happened they very kindly helped me reinstate her class. But I am writing this as a warning for those registering today. Make sure your child is very careful about what they click on the computer. My daughter swears all she used was a drop class click, and not even sure is she was at that point at 10:21 (very slow decision maker! - she was there until noon). And we did have an earlier situation with a computer problem during Bama Bound, so no one really knows what happened. Just a warning - be careful what you click!</p>

<p>This makes me nervous, because my son tends to be extremely click happy! He is registering this morning, so I can only hope he heeds my warning!</p>

<p>To safeguard things, you could go back into mybama anytime after you have finished registering and double check your schedule to make sure it is still there. I musta done that 14 times the day S registered…just to see it!..it was a bit surreal when it is your first kid off to college, and we kooky parents do those sorts of OCD things…<whirrrrrrrr></whirrrrrrrr></p>

<p>Haha! Well, I was at Bama Bound with my DD although she handled it totally on her own! My DH is with my DS and no telling what will happen with registration today! Whatever happens, my DS 's response to me will be: “Chill out, mom!”</p>

<p>DD got a request for BB evaluation in her Crimson email this morning.</p>

<p>DS registered for classes this morning and I verified it on MyBama before they left campus. Now, on to planning for the dorm room!</p>