Honors by Contract

<p>Anyone have info or suggestions regarding honors by contract, in fulfilling honors college requirements? S or D participate in it? Which class? Which professor? What was project? Time required? Any info appreciated! RTR!</p>

<p>What is your/student’s major and college, please?</p>

<p>Sons major is history, minor is philosophy</p>

<p>Does anyone know who is a good contact to ask questions about honors by contract?</p>

<p>A course can be modified in a number of ways to become an Honors by Contract course. Each instructor typically has a preference as to how they’d like modify their course for it to qualify as an Honors by Contract course. In the Honors College, Kiki Karatheodoris and her assistants typically determine if the proposed course modifications are enough for a student to earn Honors by Contract credit.</p>

<p>Thanks SEA_tide</p>