Honors by contract?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>Son didn’t get an honors section of econ (his double major) that he really should have, but he is with a great prof, so seems to me it might be a good idea to try and arrange an honors by contract arrangement so he can get the honors credits.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on how this works, or suggestions/comments on whether he should keep trying to rearrange schedule to get an honors section???</p>

<p>Much thanks…</p>

<p>honors by contract is typically available for upper level classes only, i think.</p>

<p>i would keep trying to work on his schedule to get the honors class if he wants it.</p>

<p>Oh that is too bad. I guess we need to figure out if he can get enough honors credits without this, it is nerve wracking trying to anticipate how to make sure they get enough honors credits to graduate (and start worrying as a first semester freshman). If it happened with this class it will certain happen with others. Thanks, think i will give honors college a quick call…</p>

<p>I would pick the great prof over the honors section (although if it’s an honors section with a great prof, he should keep checking to see if space opens up).</p>

<p>Confused here. There are (at the moment) 4 other Honors Sections of Micro Econ with loads of seats. There are 2 Honors sections that are full. Is the problem the scheduling (hours) of this class? If I were the student, I would most definitely take an Honors section with only 32 seats in the class over a regular class with 250 seats in the class, regardless of the professor, esp since this is his major. You are more likely to interact with students who are taking the class more seriously (for lack of a better word), rather than those students who are just taking the class because of a degree requirement.</p>

<p>^^ I will respectfully disagree. I would rather be in a class with 249 other students and a great professor than in a class with 31 others and a terrible prof. And there ARE some honors sections taught by terrible profs. </p>

<p>My D had a regular accounting class with over 100 students last semester (the honors section was about the same size) and another class with over 200 students. She greatly enjoyed both of them (and, FWIW, said that half the students didn’t show up for the 200+ class). A great teacher can provide an excellent learning experience, even to a huge class. Unfortunately, a poor professor can make life miserable in the smallest of classes.</p>

<p>I’m surprised that ‘terrible’ professors are teaching Honors classes at UA. What is up with that?</p>

<p>upstate13: I would definitely wait to see if your son can switch into the honors section if he really wants to be there. Usually the schedule will open for all students in late July/early August. My son, who has an economics degree and had most of the professors in the department, spent four years switching around his schedule.</p>

<p>Also, if you use Rate My Professor as your source for selecting classes/professors, just think about this: Students often slam a professor because they do not do well in a class. My son often discounted what someone wrote about a professor and still took the class.</p>

<p>Honors by contract is only available for 300/400 level courses at the discretion of the instructor. Remember that 500/600 level (graduate) courses also count for honors credit, so students participating in the University Scholars or MBA programs will get honors credit from their graduate courses.</p>

<p>upstate13: I spoke with my son, who was in some classes with Sea_tide over the years, about your son’s situation. Perhaps your son should contact the econ adviser, Dr. James Cover, and see what he may suggest. Before my son went to Bama Bound in June, 2009, he did e-mail Dr. Cover, who made sure he met with us after my son selected his courses. He did not like one of my son’s choices, My son explain that all the math classes were closed, so he could not take one. Dr. Cover called over to the Registrar, and within 10 minutes, my son had a math class. Sometimes, it’s who you know who makes things happen.</p>

<p>^^^^^^^^^^ that. for sure.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the advice. I think he should be all set, he got into an honors section, had to trade off a UH class - hopefully more will open over the summer, but either way I think his schedule looks okay. It is really reassuring to hear that if you hit a wall you can reach out and get help, even beyond the experts here on CC!!!</p>