Honors Classes/Pre Med

<p>So that’s what BSC 300 and CH 231 are. </p>

<p>I’m going to partially retract my previous post and say that while taking the schedule you listed would certainly be possible, you’d likely be sacrificing a good amount of sleep and your social life if you aren’t careful. Unless you have previous experience transitioning to college life (not AP courses) your schedule is indeed dangerous and would have to be approached with extreme caution.</p>

<p>^^^Give yourself a chance to adjust to college life. If you load your schedule with heavy courses you will not have time to make a really good adjustment -you will want to join clubs, partake in activities/events and make friends. </p>

<p>Try to pace yourself and enjoy your first college year. Other opportunities may present themselves but if you’re that busy, you will not be able to take advantage of these opportunities. You will want to make a schedule that will balance with your college life.</p>

<p>I am not saying that you should not challenge yourself, but you will have plenty of challenging semesters. Just give yourself an adjustment period. Don’t forget you will need time to eat, sleep and do laundry as well as studying… :)</p>

<p>A classic mistake that premed students do is dive in taking too many hard courses at once. Since most premeds have been strong students they think they’ll be fine doing this…but then they’re posting a fer months later that their gpa has taken a hit. </p>

<p>Other majors don’t require the same gpa.</p>

<p>Are college classes really that hard? I mean, 15 credit hours is equal to 15 hours of classes every week, right? High school is about 35 hours a week. There might be more homework and studying in college, but surely that will take less than 20 hours a week?</p>

<p>I was planning on taking ochem, 2nd year bio, calc III, freshman engineering courses, and maybe another elective, but I’m kinda worried after hearing all this about strong students struggling.</p>

<p>15 credits usually require more than 15 hours if you have labs. </p>

<p>Yes, pre med classes are harder than high schl classes because they are weeder classes. </p>

<p>Most kids don’t have to take them. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t take ochem as a fall frosh. </p>

<p>Which bio are you taking?</p>

<p>D is a rising 3yr student who is premed. She just took Ochem last year back to back, second semester w lab.</p>

<p>For the OChem 2 hour lab she probably did 8 to 10 hours of out of class prep and studying so yes beware! Also balance out what you want"fresh" for the MCAT.</p>

<p>If med school is your dream you need to balance your premed classes with the course work for the MCAT plus your college coursework all at once.</p>

<p>Once you set your timetable for the MCAT. That will help you determine your premed track. And really why do Ochem freshman year only to review sophomore or junior year for mcat?</p>

<p>I’m considering either Cell biology or genetics.</p>

<p>Since I have to re-take some of my AP credits anyways(over the 45 credit hour limit), would you recommend re-taking classes such as history/english/goverment or retaking pre-med reqs (chem/bio/physics)? I did well in all of my classes, with mostly 5s on every test.</p>

<p>ok, I’ll heed your warnings. However, for me i think it’s going to be best to stick with ochem and drop cell bio. I’d really like to knock it out of the way and Bio (which is my major) will most likely stick better than chemistry. I’ve also switched honors calc to honors english literature. I know my math will stick; I’ve already taken a quarter of calculus anyway.</p>

<p>Just keep in mind that med schools CAREFULLY look at an applicants OChem grades more than any other grade. </p>

<p>And, it’s very difficult to recover from a bad start GPA wise when it comes to pre-med. It’s very hard to raise the “science GPA”.</p>

<p>burgerbread: You may want to check, but you shouldn’t have to retake anything if you have AP credit. My son came in with 65 hours – all in AP. He is currently doing study abroad, but I know that he would say that you should not retake anything if you got a 5 in that subject. Just take the next level.</p>

<p>The more AP credit you have, the more opportunities you have for double majors or minors.</p>

<p>Since I have to re-take some of my AP credits anyways(over the 45 credit hour limit), would you recommend re-taking classes such as history/english/goverment or retaking pre-med reqs (chem/bio/physics)? I did well in all of my classes, with mostly 5s on every test.</p>

<p>What AP credits do you have? How many do you have?</p>

<p>If you have to retake, retake a pre-med pre-req.</p>

<p>Who do y’all have for Ochem…the prof (at any school) can make or break this class.</p>

<p>Silas Blackstock… the glowing ratemyprofs reviews were what made me decide that the class might be doable.</p>

Snowden </p>

<p>are four chem profs that I know are very good…there are others.</p>

<p>My son had Bonizzoni and Shaughnessy for OChem. Both excellent.</p>



<p>AP English I and II
AP US and World History
AP Goverment
AP Econ
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Bio
AP Chem
Ap Computer Science</p>

<p>I think all those add up to about 60 credit hours. I haven’t gotten my scores yet, but according to mybama, I scored well enough to get full credit for everything.</p>

<p>was looking med school req up for my S this weekend… now this is from uab site so take out uab references but applies to most schools</p>

<p>if you take credit for ap or hs courses…you need to take additional at a higher level…med schools want to see college courses most wont take ap waiver</p>

<p>In general, most schools require:</p>

<p>ENGLISH – 6 semester hours of English composition. Additional courses in literature and speech may be required.</p>

<p>MATH – 2 semesters or 3 quarters of college math. May include statistics or computer science. We recommend you have math up through pre-calculus (MA 106). UAB School of Optometry requires a course in statistics and calculus. UAB School of Dentistry strongly recommends analytical geometry and calculus.</p>

<p>CHEMISTRY – 2 semesters or 3 quarters of General Chemistry with lab (CH 115(116lab), 117(118lab)). *To be eligible to register for CH 115, a student must have completed CH 100 OR a full year of HS chemistry with a grade of C or higher and completed MA 106 with a C or higher or be concurrently enrolled in MA 106 or higher. </p>

<p>BIOLOGY – 2 semesters or 3 quarters of Introductory Biology with lab (BY 123,124). UAB School of Dentistry requires 1 additional course. UAB School of Optometry requires a course in Microbiology (BY 271). </p>

<p>ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – 2 semesters or 3 quarters with lab (CH 235(236lab), 237(238lab)). UAB School of Optometry requires Biochemistry (CH 460). UAB School of Dentistry strongly recommends an additional course in Biochemistry (CH 460).</p>

<p>PHYSICS – 2 semesters or 3 quarters with lab (PH 201(211lab), 202(212lab) – non calculus-based OR PH 221(231lab), 222(232lab) – calculus-based).<br>
Placement of entering freshmen in physics would be based on their entering math placement (see Math Placement information for entering Freshman) which is based on SAT & ACT math sub-scores plus high school GPA. For example, entering students would have to qualify for MA 125 in order to take PH 201, since MA 106 or MA 107 is pre-requisite for PH 201. Similarly, students would have to CLEP out or have AP credit for Calculus I (MA 125) to directly enroll in PH 221. In both cases, these are fairly high standards.
If you do not meet the pre-requisites for PH 201 and PH 221, you can begin with Physics 100 or take necessary Math courses to satisfy pre-requisites of PH 201 and PH 221.
Talk with your advisor to determine if College Physics I (PH 201) or General Physics I (PH 221) is a requirement for your major. </p>

<p>Additional courses in Biochemistry (CH 460), Cell Biology (BY 330), Embryology (BY 314), Histology (BY 327), Microbiology (BY 271), Endocrinology (BY 420), Human Physiology (BY 409), Genetics (BY 210), or Human Anatomy (BY 115) are highly recommended.</p>

<p>Other courses in psychology, sociology and computer science may be required. UAB School of Optometry requires 1 semester of psychology and 2 semesters of additional courses in any social and behavioral science. UAB School of Dentistry encourages additional courses to enhance manual dexterity (sculpting, painting, etc.). You are advised to check with the Admissions Office of the specific schools to which you are applying for further details.</p>

<p>6 credits…AP English I and II
12 credits…AP US and World History (you don’t need all these)
3 credits…AP Goverment
3…credits…AP Econ
8 credits…AP Calc BC
4 credits…AP Physics C
8…AP Bio (if you got a 4 or better)
8…AP Chem <a href=“if%20you%20got%20a%205%20-%20you%20get%20credit%20for%20Ch%20101%20and%20102”>B</a>**</p>

<h2>3 or 4 credits…Ap Computer Science</h2>

<p>So about 55/56 credits…</p>


<p>You don’t need all the history credits. </p>

<p>Are you skipping Cal II? or retaking?</p>

<p>Here is the Bama pre-med info</p>

<p>Pre-Medical Program
The pre-medical program advisors assist students in academic planning needed to meet the admissions requirements for medical school. The advisors also provide students with assistance in preparing for interviews, scheduling the MCAT, developing recommendations, and submitting application materials. Student organizations, especially Alpha Epsilon Delta, are important parts of the pre-medical education of UA students. Information about these organizations can be obtained from the pre-med advisors.</p>

<p>Students interested in pursuing a career in medicine may choose from a wide variety of programs that will both fulfill specific requirements for admission to medical school and allow them to pursue individual academic interests. Students preparing to enter medical school should consult the catalog of the medical school of interest early in their undergraduate careers in order to be informed of each school’s admissions requirements.</p>

<p>Although specific admissions requirements vary, most medical schools require the courses listed below. Most of these courses should be completed in the freshman and sophomore years.</p>

<p>Courses Hours
BSC 114:115 or BSC 118 4
BSC 116:117 or BSC 120 4
CH 101 or CH 117 4
CH 102 or CH 118 4
CH 231 3
CH 232 3
CH 237 2
PH 101, PH 105, or PH 125 4
PH 102, PH 106, or PH 126 4
MATH 125 or MATH 145 4 </p>

<p>The pre-medical program advisor is the primary advisor for students who enter the University as pre-medical until they declare a specific major. After that and for other students who have an interest in medicine, the advisor is available as a secondary advisor to assist specifically with issues related to medical school preparation.</p>

<p>Cell Bio, Genetics, BioChem, Anatomy, and Stats are also recommended…along with all the Core Req’ts (such as Frosh Comp, etc)</p>

<p>Do history AP tests only count for electives?</p>

<p>History AP tests can count for ones core curriculum history requirements.</p>

<p>What are all the gen eds?</p>

<p>*Do history AP tests only count for electives? *</p>


<p>They can count for Gen Ed/Core Curriculum and the required “sequence”</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Note that Engineering students have different Gen Ed…scroll down on the page.</p>