<p>Did anyone hear if they got into the Honors College or earned the Presidential Scholarship? If so, did it come with your acceptance letter?</p>
<p>last year, my D’s invitation to the honors college arrived about two weeks after her acceptance package. Her Ackers Scholarship was included in the acceptance package.</p>
<p>After I applied for the Presidential Scholarship I called UB Honors just to check and make sure they got all my stuff and they said they had a record number of applications for the presidential scholarship. They said that they weren’t going to send out any decisions until early March, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.</p>
<p>Guess I made a mistake. Just got my acceptance letter in the mail and notification that I got the presidential scholarship - woohoo! Good luck nyroch.</p>
<p>My S was accepted to Buffalo a week ago. I called the Honors College today to inquire on the timing for the Honors program invitations and was told that they were intending to send these out starting next week.</p>
<p>Got into Honors! No mention of any other scholarships though. Oh well.</p>
<p>Congratulations NYROCH - Where do you live? are you in-state? Can you share your stats.</p>
<p>I just was accepted to honors college. I didn’t apply for the prez scholorship though…
a classmate applied for prez and got it today too…</p>
<p>2080 SAT
31 ACT</p>
<p>accepted to the honors college!</p>
<p>I got into the Honors College…</p>
<p>my stats are
GPA : 94</p>
<p>SAT : Math : 750
Reading : 570
Writing : 570
<p>Mock Trial Team, Bowling team anchor, National Honors society member, volunteer in multiple things around school… college office in particular</p>
<p>umm im not sure as to what the Honors college exactly is… ive seen the academic advantages… and im hearing tuition is covered with this… is this true? and does it take away from the scholarship i received with admission?</p>
<p>I have a question…
if my friend got into the honors college, but did not apply/didn’t accepted to the Presidential Scholarship, is it still a free ride?</p>
<p>My D received her scholarship notification as part of her admissions letter with all of the financial aid information. The Honors College invitation/admission arrived few weeks later. She did not get the Presidential scholarship because she did not apply for it (missed the SAT cutoff by 10 points I think).</p>
<p>You’ll definitely want to check with the UB admissions office to clarify what scholarships you have received and how they relate to the Honors College. (For example, my D has to maintain a 3.0 gpa to keep her full tuition scholarship – but the gpa requirement for the Honors College is HIGHER.)</p>
<p>oh wow so there’s no additional scholarships after you get into honors?</p>
<p>btw here’s my stat</p>
<p>GPA : 93.7</p>
<p>SAT : Math : 800
Reading : 570
Writing : 470
<p>Mock Trial Team, Bowling team Manager, Student Government, Official school translator(in class), math team, volunteer in school etc.</p>
<p>and btw me and that guy Ernay are from the same school, and yeah our stat are similar
(we even have similar class on our transcript)</p>
<p>Here is info on UB merit scholarships:
[UB</a> Undergraduate Admissions: Costs and Financial Aid - Merit-Based Scholarships](<a href=“http://admissions.buffalo.edu/costs/meritscholarships.php]UB”>http://admissions.buffalo.edu/costs/meritscholarships.php)</p>
<p>and a general scholarship FAQ:
[UB</a> Undergraduate Admissions: Costs and Financial Aid - Scholarships FAQ](<a href=“http://admissions.buffalo.edu/costs/scholarshipsfaq.php]UB”>Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions | Undergraduate Admissions | University at Buffalo)</p>
<p>Read these first and if you still have questions, CALL ADMISSIONS!!!</p>
<p>i got into the honors college and the presidential scholarship. stats:</p>
<p>SAT: 1970 (M:780 CR:570 W:620)
ACT: 34
GPA: 98.9</p>
<p>Science Olympiad, Editor of Newspaper, Pres. of Webmasters, Pres. of Band, Treasurer NHS and Senior class, Mathletics</p>
<p>The non-scholarship related benefits of the honors program are
1: Registering first for classes (even before seniors)
2: Room in Governors for freshman year (which can be a good or bad thing, depending on what you want)
3: Priority housing registration
4: Funding for approved academic projects</p>