Honors College Question

<p>How much more competitive does it get after the priority deadline? I might not be able to get my honors college app in by the 30th. Will it make much of a difference if I hand it in a week later? Does anyone know how the competiveness of the honors college compares to some college. ex. university of virginia, Duke, etc.? Does anyone know the acceptance percentage for SHC?</p>

<p>From what I hear, its very competitive, more so than a major university that isn’t an Ivy or little Ivy. I’m not sure of the percentage since the number of applicants varies, but I read on the SHC brochure that they accept slightly more than 300 people, and expect about 300 of them to actually enroll.</p>

<p>yea, from what they tell us it is very selective. Few thousand freshmen applicants every year, only accept 300-ish. After the November 30th deadline I think the admission staff considers you to fill remaining spots in the class and thus lowers your chances of getting in. I would suggest getting your app done asap.</p>

<p>I’m guessing that they accept about 25% - but that number may be going lower since applications are increasing every year.
I know a kid who was accepted to Cornell and rejected at SHC.
Also know someone who went to Johns Hopkins who was rejected at SHC.<br>
VERY competitive.
Get your app in before Nov 30 for the best chance.</p>

<p>so even one week after priority deadline would hurt me a lot?</p>

<p>another question, my essay on one political change is pretty controversial and I’m sure some of the adcomms will not agree with me. Will this hurt me or do they expect that they will not all agree with all the essays when they ask a question as such?
BTW i wrote about ow I think the government should introduce annual tests about our country to keep citizenship and to introduce poll tests concerning the candidates and their views.</p>

<p>doesn’t sound too controversial …</p>

<p>nah, I would say go with it. The comm wants to read some interesting essays. </p>

<p>In order to be considered with the first round of applicants you need to have your app in my the 30th. A week after will put you at the bottomof the pile and your app will not be looked at until the first round is fully considered.</p>

<p>While it is very competitive, and I do know one person who got into Cornell but not Schreyers, I’m pretty sure they’re more numbers-based, so it’s not the same unpredictable-crapshoot kind of competitive. I doubt they only accept 300 and expect almost all 300 to matriculate… from my school alone, 4 out of 4 acceptees chose different options.</p>

<p>like i said, they accept a little over 300, expecting to have a class of about 300 enter.</p>