Honors College - to apply or not?

<p>DD has been accepted by UA and is trying to decide whether or not to apply to the Honors College. She’ll be an engineering major and wants to get involved with intramurals, Greek life, and other aspects of campus life, so I’m wondering what the after-class/evening commitments of the HC are (things like additional obligations, not the rigor of the classes themselves). I didn’t have the best experience with my school’s HC (not UA), so I have mixed feelings. We’re visiting campus in October, but in the meantime I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts on the program. </p>

<p>I would definitely encourage your student to apply for the Honors College. It is not a tough application, one easy essay question. The Honors college social and enrichment activities are the students choice rather than an obligation. The housing for Honors College students (Ridgecrest) might be her choice, and she cannot live there unless she is in Honors. Our student is in Engineering. Has enjoyed many of the social activities and, has appreciated taking the Honors sections of calculus and chemistry. There is really no down side to applying!</p>

<p>I would encourage her to apply as well. DD1 is very involved on campus in greek life, SGA, and other organizations, and while she does not participate in many Honor college social activities, she loves the seminar classes. They are small and have very interesting discussions. She also lived in the Honors residence hall last year and enjoyed that as well. DD2 who has applied for next year (Engineering) is not interested in greek life, but is excited about the Honors college social activities. So there is really something for everyone in Honors College. </p>

<p>Technically speaking, there are no after-class/evening commitments for students in University Honors. There are lots of optional activities offered, but beyond the required 18 credits, application to the program, and program graduation application, the only other program graduation requirement is a 3.3 GPA. Unlike the honors programs at many other schools, Honors at UA is not meant to be a lock step program. Instead, it’s a facilitating organization for top students with a very broad and relatively easy to satisfy set of requirements which often don’t require students to take any extra credits than they would otherwise take. </p>



<p>??? </p>

<p>What after class/evening commitments of the HC? There aren’t any. What did you read that has confused you?</p>

<p>It really is a big mistake not to apply to the HC if you qualify. The advantage of having priority registration makes all the difference.</p>

<p>M2CK, that was poor phrasing on my part. I should have asked it as a question if there are any after-class commitments, not what they are. I have not heard that there are any but was wondering based upon my personal experience with a program that did have mandatory evening meetings and seminars.</p>

<p>Many thanks for all the information - y’all have definitely helped!</p>

<p>Some classes (non honors included) do have an evening requirement, but that req’t is not related to it being an honors class. </p>

<p>So, a person wouldn’t avoid any evening commitments by avoiding honors classes.</p>

<p>Actually, sometimes the opposite is true. I remember that one of my kids took an honors class and they were allowed to skip the one-evening-a-week recitation class that some science/math/eng’g classes might have.</p>

<p>Nothing to fear by signing up for honors. :slight_smile: Go for it.</p>

<p>Absolutely apply!</p>

<p>Honors college gives many perks, like early class registration after first semester.</p>

<p>Those 18 Honors credits, only 6 are required via the Honors College. The remaining may be taken as an “honors” version of a course your daughter would need to take for her major regardless. For example, DS as an Engineering major was required to take Engineering 103, Chem and Physics. Signing up for the honors version of those courses satisfied both his Honors Departmental credits and credits in his major.</p>

<p>The Honors Class can be viewed via MyBama. Many interesting classes.</p>

<p>Lots of Greek students are in the Honors college.</p>

<p>Good point about taking 12 honors credits outside of the honors college. Kids can take honors courses in English, Math, Physics, Chem, Bio, Philosophy and many other depts. </p>

<p>I echo everything said above. There are no additional requirements to be a member of the Honors College and it opens up many opportunities. To GRADUATE from the Honors college, one must take the appropriate amount of credit hours in various honors courses, but even that isn’t necessary if one just wants to have some of the perks of Honors College. Honors housing, honors Bama Bound, honors courses, Alabama (or Outdoor or Black Belt) Action, etc., etc. are some of those perks.</p>

<p>Also there are several scholarships specifically for honors college students.</p>

<p>See here:
<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/current-students/honorsscholarships/”>http://honors.ua.edu/current-students/honorsscholarships/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;