Honors College visit

<p>How long does it usually take the honors college to schedule a visit for the honors college & engineering department? We contacted the honors college in January and then again in February to make sure they had not lost the initial contact. Both times the honors college staff assured us they were working on the schedule and would send the itinerary when everything was scheduled. The visit is supposed to be next Thursday (3/21) and we still have not received the schedule. I sent another e-mail yesterday morning and did not hear back. The previous e-mails were answered right away.</p>

<p>Give Allison and Susan a call. If they’re not in, leave voice mails. Call both if necessary. :)</p>

<p>We received our schedule the week of our Thursday visit.</p>

<p>I think we got ours on Friday before the Monday visit- which had me nervous as due to the distance, we were leaving on Saturday morning. I think they wait until last minute to make sure that the professors and classes that they schedule you for are still ok with the schedule. But it was worth the wait!</p>

<p>thank you! That makes me feel better. I’ll be a little more patient. :wink: And I’ll give them a call if I have not heard from them by Tuesday.</p>

<p>Our experience was similar. We were driving from Florida and I remember making phone calls in the car to confirm appointments. But, I will echo the commends of a previous post, it was worth it! I think the Honors College staff has a very high volume of students contacting them, which may account for the slow response at times. But, when we were on campus, UA made my son feel like he was the only student they were recruiting. Have a great visit!</p>

<p>We set up D’s visit 5 weeks in advance. I didn’t receive the e-mailed schedule for D’s Friday visit until late Thursday, after she and DH were already on the plane headed for Birmingham.</p>

<p>Whew! Just received the e-mail! :slight_smile: Ok, now I’m ready to pack and head to the beach for a few days before we visit a few schools!</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for commiserating with me!!</p>

<p>YES, UA always comes through!
Wow, this thread brought back memories. I thought I was the only one. I remember receiving our schedule a mere 12 hours beforehand (emailed), which at the time I thought was very odd and thoroughly unorganised on UA’s part. Since we were coming from IL, I was so nervous about not getting the schedule at least a few days in advance to look it over, and quite honestly I was ready to write the whole trip off, as it had been arranged at great expense on our part. But UA came through. We had a wonderful time and everything was perfect. I later chalked it up to our requesting several personal, probably out of ordinary things on our tour, and UA had it in hand all along. Trust the system. Have a great time!</p>

<p>Good luck on your tour. Take a few photos while you are there. M2CK says the tulips are blooming!</p>

<p>Another family who is in the midst of the same concerns. I used the web to set up a general and engineering visit originally and weeks went by with no response. Last week I contacted the honors college and a sweet young woman, Lauren, contacted me back within hours. She indicated we’d receive an itinerary soon, but we’ve heard nothing. I was beginning to feel frustrated and concerned, but now see this appears normal. We are touring in early April so there is some time yet.</p>