Honors College

<p>Sorry if this was already asked and answered but I didn’t see a thread for this. If you are accepted into the Honors College will you only take classes with honors students or just the core classes?</p>

<p>Alexisoh, no you can take courses with everyone. Its your choice whether you want to take the honors section of a course or not. I will have others chime in about what needs to be taken to graduate with an honors diploma, but being in honors doesn’t limit your choices, it just expands them.</p>

<p>Also does anyone know how many freshman students are in the Honors College?</p>

<p>Alexis…what is your major?</p>

<p>What APcredits are you coming in with?</p>

<p>Many of the upper division courses are not honors because those classes tend to be smallish anyway, AND, more importantly, once you’re in your major, your classmates are also typically strong in that subject matter - which is why that is their major.</p>

<p>There will be over 1000 honors frosh, which is why there are so many honors offerings. However, it is your choice whether to take more or less honors classes…often your personal schedule will decide whether the honors sections fit in your schedule, or not. </p>

<p>try to take one of the honors classes that are for frosh only.</p>

<p>In your first few semesters at UA, there will be some core classes with both a regular and an honors section. Only honors college students will be in an honors-designated section/class/seminar. Honors College students do not have to take only honors classes, however! You pick and choose. </p>

<p>If you search this forum, I posted something a while back about the different types of honors programs at UA. Basically, there is the Honors College Honors Program (HP), with its own set of requirements (in a nut-shell, 18 credit hours required in honors classes - these can be UH-designated classes or department classes that offer honors sections, such as chem, calculus, psych, bio, physics, english, ect., but must include a combination of honors seminars as well as honors sections of classes). There is also a Departmental Honors Program within several majors on campus - research this by going to the specific school you will be attending (i.e., Arts & Science or Engineering, etc.) and then looking at your major, and there should be a tab on each Departmental Honors Programs. You can do both the UA/HC HP and your department’s HP, but in order to do your department HP, you must do the UA/Honors College program. Make sense?! Some departmental honors programs may be difficult to achieve, and require you take some ‘honors by contract’ classes within your major/dept. The workload for these courses will vary. In general, my S has not found the honors section of core classes, nor any of the UH courses/seminars, to be difficult or significantly more work than non-honors classes. Qualifying for the HC means that you can handle the work. PM me if you want more specific info.</p>

<p>My son chose departmental honors in 1st year Physics Class. He did not find it more difficult, but initially it was intimidating because many of the students had AP Physics in high school which he did not. </p>

<p>The UH classes are usually limited to 15 students.</p>

<p>The departmental honors courses may be significantly more students.</p>

<p>Besides classes, the Honors College has many social events. My son did not take advantage of the social events nearly as often as I would have if I were him.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your insight! much appreciated </p>