honors overnight program

<p>Is anyone going? I'm so nervous that Iim going to be in the way of my assigned student; dorms are small to begin with and now they have an extra person.</p>

<p>My D is unable to make it that weekend. She and my H are going to the Admitted Student Open House on April 18th. Are you going to the Honors Overnight premed? If so, would love to hear your thoughts after you return.</p>

<p>Sure, I'll post them when I get back :)</p>

<p>Hey everyone. I just returned from the Honors Overnight Program and absolutely loved it!! Everyone was super nice and I felt right at home almost instantly. The girl I roomed with was really nice. I felt kinda bad though because she and her roommate had homework but they couldn't concentrate because the other girls on the floor kept coming in to talk to me! I went to an honors chem class and it was really good. Also, the food was fabulous and the bathrooms were clean. Good luck to everyone, would love to hear other thoughts about the campus/college</p>

<p>Glad you enjoyed your visit premed123. Couple of questions if you have the time.....</p>

<p>What were the dorms like? I recall them being rather small on our visit. I think it's cool that other girls came in to chat with you. Did people seem that friendly everywhere?</p>

<p>Could you talk a bit about the Honors Program? Did it seem challenging or is it "in name only"? </p>

<p>What was the overall vibe on campus? Does it seem like an intellectual place or more laid back academically? </p>

<p>I know you were there on a weeknight but anything fun happening at night?</p>

<p>Lastly, is there anything you saw that you did not like?</p>

<p>Thanks very much.</p>

<p>1) The dorms were old but clean. Some of them had sinks. Obviously there was more space if you were in a double but even the triples were pretty roomy, it all depends on the layout of the room. Each floor has a common area with couches and a kitchen area.
2) EVERYONE on campus was SUPERfriendly! Even if you didn't know someone you still smile and say "hello."
3) The honors program seemed to be more about the intellectual journey. One of the professors admitted that his courseload was not significantly heavier for his honors kids, but class discussions were more in depth.
4) I didn't really get a chance to experience the overall vibe, but I went into the library at about 10:30 PM and there were a lot of students studying there.
5) Anything fun happening at night....there was a dance the next day for charity and Howie Day was doing a concert the next week. There were signs everywhere for charity events.
6) I didn't really see anything that I didn't like. I did notice that a vast majority of the student body are caucasians. </p>

<p>Hope this helps :)</p>