Honors Program Participation Agreement Problem...

<p>So, I was was accepted into NEU and its honors program today and I was told that I must accept a "Honors Program Participation Agreement" to say that I am interested in the honors program. So I read the agreement, and no where in it does it say it is binding, so I accept the agreement. Then it says on the form (after I accept), "Thank you for your submission. Your decision has been accepted and is considered final."
Now, I never filled out a form saying that I will definately attend Northeastern, nor did I hand in any deposits. I am still awaiting acceptances into other colleges and did not plan to accept admission into the school now.
My question is: does this agreement to the honors program make them think that I have bound myself to enrollment into the university?</p>

<p>No way that can be anything but an acceptance to the honors program if you go to NE. if you’d declined, maybe they’d have offered your slot to someone else. No harm in calling them if you’re still worried though.</p>

<p>Yeah…you’re probably right: other colleges automatically accepted me into their honors programs but this one maybe wants to just make sure that IF I go, i’ll be interested in the honors program. Or maybe it’s just to send me more information about it. Since I didn’t hand in any money or sign anything, I guess it can’t be binding (also, the form to decline admission is still accessable online)…
Thanks for the reasurrance though! (The stress of the college process can make some of us paranoid wrecks!)</p>

<p>My dad and I were literally talking about this a few minutes ago, lol. We thought that the agreement was very unclear about this. I thought about calling them tomorrow, but then I decided that it’s probably just agreeing to abide by the agreement if I do decide to attend Northeastern. Also, I don’t think we’ll ever be truly bound to any school (ED aside) until we submit our deposits.</p>

<p>I just asked my college counselor yesterday about this problem. She cut me off while I was asking her and she said, “No, no no: you’re not accepting admission into the UNIVERSITY by agreeing to this.” She said it’s just saying that I am interested in the honors program and to reserve a spot for me just in case. It seems like some of my other classmates asked her the same question, since she answered before I was finished… (my school had a lot of people accepted into NEU)</p>

<p>Good luck on your other schools countryangel! I can’t wait for my decisions to come in!</p>

<p>Thanks mlogos, same to you! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’ve decided to wait until I receive the letter in the mail, since it says to mail back the required documents in the stamped envelope provided (or something along those lines.) But either way, glad to have it confirmed that we’re only reserving a spot in the honors program, not binding ourselves to NEU :]</p>