Honors Program question?

<p>My son got his letter today and was offered the Presidential Scholarship of 24,000 but it did not mention honors program. Is it possoble that he is not invited to that but received scholarship. Does the honors program really matter? It did say he received scholarship because of academic success but perhaps the program is full.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it mentioned the Honors program in mine last year. If he’s not invited, I think to get in you need to make the Dean’s List.</p>

<p>In my letter it specifically said we would like to invite you to our honors college or something like that
but it would be weird to get that kind of money and not get into the honors program</p>

<p>i would call the university and ask</p>

<p>My freshman son was offered $24K but was not in the honor program. It works out well as his new friend was in honor program but he is going to get a C on his physics class and my son is going to get an A very comfortably. If you really want to join the honor program, you can still apply after the first year (or 1st semester?) as long as you maintain certain GPA.</p>

<p>Thanks for replys. The scholarship is really nice and surely made his wait for ED school easier but if he does really want to go to Tulane, I think he should call to see about a possibility of honors.</p>