<p>If I have not yet gotten an honors acceptance, does that mean I won't get one? Are they all sent out between march 8 and march 14?</p>
<p>Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! I’m still SO wondering this too! I swear that, for the past couple of years, seems like all honors kids got invited to the early scholars weekend. Maybe I’m wrong, and/or maybe it’s changed. But here is a link showing 2009 and kids starting to hear back in the March 9-12 type range. There seems to be a consensus that these are the CAS honors kids. </p>
<p>HOWEVER…I think the early admit day then was April 3-4. Who knows what’s going on this year.</p>
<p>So I myself called NYU the other day and a “counselor” said one would already know if they’d been invited to this weekend. (Because my daughter needs to plan a visit to her local Uni on that same weekend IF not invited to NYU…it’s Spring Break and she can’t miss any more school). A LITTLE information can be a curse. Because it’s so often wrong. </p>
<p>Anyway…here’s one of the many links that have me confused (because it does NOT yet seem like, for 2010, we’re hearing “hey, I’m in” honors type acceptances yet…just big scholarships, and LSPs). Can anyone speak up if you have a standard (CAS) honors acceptance? (Not MLK, Deans…we know those are in the works…congrats again, by the way). </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/new-york-university/665816-official-nyu-class-2013-rd-thread-college-arts-sciences.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/new-york-university/665816-official-nyu-class-2013-rd-thread-college-arts-sciences.html</a></p>
<p>Edited because I just looked up OPs scores. It does just seem crazy, doesn’t it? Your stats are GREAT. SURELY they are just delayed this year. You HAVE to have made “honors”.</p>