Honors VIP Preview Day

We have already visited UA and met with the honors college. D loved it when we visited when she was a junior but didn’t know quite what questions she would have for the school at that time. Now she is much more involved in the college selection process, has seen other schools and their honors programs, and we feel she would benefit another trip. She has already been accepted to UA and has completed the Honors College application. We have been invited to visit for the honors preview dates — we would love to attend but D is performing in community theater this fall and the shows are over a few weekends - basically taking out 2 of the dates. We could make one of the dates but she would be missing Monday and likely Tuesday morning (depending on flights) of her Homecoming Spirit week.

We are OOS so getting to Alabama is an issue- time off of school (her) and work for me as well as the cost of flying down, rental car, and hotel. UA is likely D’s first choice and we could make it happen for one of the dates if it is valuable. We were going to wait to make the next trip down until all of her acceptances are in and she will be making a final decision.

Does anyone have any insight into the day? Is there a benefit to attending if we have already visited? Does attendance have any impact on invitations to the UFE? She is eager to attend (and get another look at UA) but we are trying to be practical with our time and money (neither are unlimited). Any insight into these days would be appreciated.

I am also a senior who is planning to attend the preview day. My mom and I have looked and there is nothing online talking about what the day involves. This will be my first visit to UA so I did email to make sure there is a tour. Other than that, I have no idea what it is. We had a trip planned and luckily there is a VIP day when we were planning to be there anyways. I am not going until the last day so I can’t say what it all is but I’m sure it will be done well. They said they are expecting a lot of people and to register asap.