Hope for me at HYPS? (I'll chance you back!)

<p>**I'm a senior looking at all of the top schools (especially Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford). Right now my top choice - by far - is Princeton University. Please chance me on those 4 and MIT. </p>

<p>I'm 15 years old and I'll turn 16 in a few weeks. I don't know the standard for "underage" kids or what colleges think about this. I appreciate any advice.**</p>

<p>1. ACADEMICS</p>

<p>I attend a public high school in the Southwest.
Class Size of ~450
Top 5% (ranked ~20)</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.7
Weighted: 4.1</p>

<p>ACT: math 35, science 35, reading 30, english 33, writing 09, composite = 33.
SAT: CR 670, M 720, WRT 670 (using score choice) composite = 2060.
SATII: taken this October, I'm expecting 650+ on all 3 (Bio, Lit, and Math Level II)</p>

<p>AP: 5 Calc AB, 5 Phys B, 4 Eng Lang, 3 World Hist. taking many exams in May, (Environmental Science, Calc BC, Eng Lit, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology). </p>

<p>Taken 4 AP courses and currently 3 more, nearly everything else on my transcript is honors or gifted.
I'm in a dual credit program (so I've received college credit while still in high school).
*I'm actually setting the record for the most credits by one student over 4 years of high school - and my high school is over 50 years old. *</p>

<p>My transcript has a few glaring issues - I was dished out a D- in yearbook for a semester. I also had a C in AP Eng for a semester, and a D+ the semester afterwards.</p>


<pre><code> A. Extracurricular Activities

<li><p>I organize video game tournaments. I'm very devoted to this (and I play some myself!) and spend nearly 10 hours a week. There are no awards or honors or leadership positions per se, but you can consider me an "event planner."</p></li>
<li><p>Key club (community service club) for all 4 years. I'm currently the president, junior year I was the treasurer, and I was a member as an underclassmen. I spend at least 3 hours weekly. </p></li>
<li><p>Tennis for 3 years (had to skip in junior year). I am currently varsity. Awarded "Most Improved" in sophomore year.</p></li>
<li><p>Chess club for all 4 years. I've been captain junior and senior year.</p></li>
<li><p>Science Olympiad/Science Bowl (one club). I am secretary right now. I am also the Science Bowl "A" team captain. </p>

<p>B. Employment</p></li>

<p>Because of my age, I've had trouble landing jobs.
The only significant job was a paid mentorship over the summer. It was through the National Institute of Health STEP-UP Program, an 8-week summer research program. I did research on rural healthcare and it's pending approval for publication. </p>

<pre><code> C. Honors and Awards

<li><p>National Institute of Health Certificate of Outstanding Achievement</p></li>
<li><p>National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine Certificate of Completion</p></li>
<li><p>Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference Certificate of Completion</p></li>
<li><p>Youth Leadership of Albuquerque Diploma of Graduation</p></li>
<li><p>AP Scholar with Honor </p></li>
<li><p>HS Academic Letter Recipient</p></li>


<li><p>Counselor recommendation was perfect. couldn't ask for better</p></li>
<li><p>Teacher rec's are stellar.</p></li>
<li><p>I wrote many essays about my age, my background (I am applying to QuestBridge), my lifelong vegetarianism, my experiences with the video game volunteering, and a few other things. My teachers and parents reviewed them and loved it. </p></li>


<li><p>As I said before, I'm 15, vegetarian, and I'm applying to QuestBridge.</p></li>
<li><p>My parents were separated at a young age. I live with my Dad at under $30,000 household annual income. Plus, my Dad was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. </p></li>
<li><p>I am East Indian - that means Asian.</p></li>

<p>Thank you so much for looking through this. It means a lot to me, and I know it means a lot for you to kill so much time. If you do respond with advice (where I'm strong, where I'm weak, what you think about my college choices), link me to your "chance me" thread. I'll definitely reply back.</p>

<p>Once again, thanks!</p>

<p>The C’s and D’s will hurt you significantly at top schools, unless there’s a valid reason behind them. Even then, you have to realize that you’re an ORM competing against many, many other students from across the country with near perfect GPA’s and 2300+ SAT scores for HYPS. A 33 on the ACT is decent, but it’s still a bit of a stretch for the Ivies. With that in mind, your chances are slim to none. I don’t know how the video game tournament organizing will be viewed, but I’ll be honest: there’s nothing absolutely outstanding about your application. I’d highly recommend aiming a little lower.</p>

<p>hey, your ACT is great. If I were you I would just report ACT. </p>

<p>Those glaring issues might kill you, definitely explain those or make some excuse. Your UW GPA is kinda low.</p>

<p>Dont be afraid to talk your family circumstances in your essays and discuss the obstacles you had to overcome if you want the best chances. </p>

<p>ECs are decent, but like most people you dont have anything super amazing. </p>

<p>I know i have been harsh, but im trying to give you the truth. I think you will have a great chance if you make one of your essays about having to succeed despite coming from a disadvantaged income and family situation. </p>

<p>All of HYPSM are reaches for everyone due to their arbitrary selctivity, but I believe you will at least get into one of them for sure</p>

<p>Good luck man. PM me if you have any questions</p>

<p>dont listen to the guy who posted above me, no harm in trying.</p>

<p>Although I would have some safeties and matches. You said you are in the southwest? I would definitely apply to Rice! That is a great school and you have an awesome shot there. Also be sure to have some safeties.</p>

<p>You are applying to HYPSM with a 2060 SAT? wow. You are applying with a D in school grade? wow again. You are applying with a class rank of top 5%? wow yet again. Final verdict: stratospheric reaches for YPSM, ionospheric for H.</p>

<p>do realize the 33 on the act people</p>

<p>^ I’m sorry if I came across as being somewhat unforgiving and even brutal, but I’ve seen the ‘Accepted’ threads for HYP on these forums, and I’m only giving an honest evaluation based on what I saw. Of course, the OP could still apply to HYP anyway - the decision is ultimately up to him - but I’m just saying this so he can concentrate on other great schools instead of getting his hopes dashed when admissions decisions come round. </p>

<p>PS - I’m a girl. ;)</p>

<p>PPS - A 33 on the ACT equates to roughly a 2180, which isn’t that great for HYPS.</p>

<p>i agree with you, but might as well give them some hope</p>

<p>Your stats are below average for a normal accepted person on nearly all levels. Plus, you’re an ORM which makes it that much harder. Sorry, but I also think you should aim lower. :
Check out many of the “Denied” last year for any of these top schools and you’ll see why.</p>



<p>Isn’t the idea behind posting here to get the truth? To find out if you’ll be wasting time researching these schools and filling out their applications when your time may be better spent focused on schools where you have a chance?</p>

<p>It’s unlikely these schools will overlook a C and a D. They also look for national level ECs. An ORM with a 33 is not in great shape without the poor grades. These schools are major reaches and some of Questbridge’s less selective colleges might be a better fit.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice everyone. I’ll definitely look into other colleges. I’ll also chance you all back soon.</p>

<p>I also felt that one of my earlier questions wasn’t addressed. What about my age? Does that have any effect on admissions decisions?</p>

<p>I agree with hmom, don’t give false hope, because in the end of the day they will be disappointed to see a thin letter.</p>

<p>He has 2 hooks. One can hurt him…being 16, since schools typically look for a well rounded student, not just someone who has lived and breathed academics. If you read between the lines, the OP did not jump grades, instead took more classes to graduate early.</p>

<p>His real hook is the fact that his father is bipolar and makes less than 30K, which now will turn his achievements as a 16 yo more impressive.</p>

<p>Honestly, I have to agree with others these schools are all reaches, set your standards a little lower. Those stats at a 16 yo would be a better fit for ND, UNCCH, and Rice, maybe UVA. The ACT will help, but that combined with your gpa (uw and w) will not bump you up over the line, since it looks like due to your youth you bit off more than you can chew. It is probably hard to hear, but graduating this young with those grades probably hurt you. Had you lowered the course load and graduated with a higher SAT and gpa at 17 your chances would have been greater.</p>

<p>Remember these schools will have that additional fear that your age will make a transition to college (airline rides away) difficult. Maturity levels between an 18 yo and a 16 yo are great, socialization is also a part of college, and they know that too. The optimal goal for admissions is to accept a child with the best hs record that has the highest chances of graduating. This is sometimes why students with higher stats are rejected, since the school does not feel that they are a good fit.</p>

<p>Being 16 is not impressive. The rest of us are 17 when we apply to college, woopty-doo.</p>

<p>It’s a rejection, dude. The scores are low, and D’s are just unacceptable. Ethical essays (like vegetarianism) are not relevant. I’m an atheist, left-handed, vegan, URM, but that didn’t do anything to get me into Harvard. HYPMS, just looks like your into the prestige factors. The grades are low, the scores are low, I see no reason why you’d be accepted.</p>


<p>a suitable range of selection would be colleges rank 10 - 50</p>