<p>How far do you guys think a hopkins degree will go on Wall st... i mean i know its atop school but does it have any value on Wall st as it does in medical school</p>
<p>It's not just about where you went to college.</p>
<p>when I visited, the dean of the engineering school said that a lot of firms recruited Hopkins engineering majors because of quant. analysis skills.</p>
<p>Are kidding me?? On wall st it does i am doing an internship at carlyle group and target schools are very important for the intern process...even go on ibankingoasis.com</p>
<p>wow, how did you get an internship at Carlyle?</p>
<p>through our schools careernet... they are still in the interview process i dont think its too late to apply</p>
<p>that's awesome. I have an internship this summer, but I will definitely apply next year! Thanks</p>