<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>
<p>no need to post the same thing 3 times in the same thread alexandre</p>
<p>Anyone know any colleges that don't look at freshman grades besides UCs, Princeton, Stanford?</p>
<p>Harding, this is weird. I only posted this once. I have no idea how those last two identical posts came up. I will check with the administrator to see if they are experiencing technical difficulties. Sorry about that.</p>
<p>Look for schools that don't look at Freshman year.</p>
<p>Go see the movie Tarnation and think about doing an essay along those lines.
A. Its a fantastic movie.
B. Discussing a mother with schizophrenia would undoublty make an essay that would stand out
C. Tarnation is a movie that looks closely at looking schizophrenia and being an independent youth</p>
<p>No problem, thanks for the help tho. I believe I will apply to Univ of Michigan now.</p>
<p>Where can I find a list of schools that don't look at freshman year?</p>
<p>I definetly want to watch Tarnation, thanks</p>
<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>
<p>Alexandre, look at the time of your posting. Almost the same, but on consecutive dates. Definitely should be a clue to solve this mistery...</p>
<p>Sheesh! I sound like a damn broken record player! LOL!!!</p>
<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>
<p>Should I bother applying to any school that looks at freshman grades?</p>
<p>Sure, you may have some explaining to do, but at the same time, your reasons are certainly valid. Besides, even universities that look at Freshmen grades do not consider them nearly as important as Sophomore and Junior grades. Besides, you have an rising curve from year to year, and that too is going to impress.</p>
<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>
<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>
<p>In case you didn't know: University of Michigan doesn't look at you Freshman grades and has very decent Polisci dep-t. Why aren't you applying there?</p>
<p>Why aren't you applying to the University of Michigan? I hear they have a decent Political Science department and Michigan doesn't even look at Freshman grades. You are going to have to raise your SAT, but otherwise, you have a shot.</p>