<p>High school, simply, was a mess. There are reasons for this, but simply put, I should've compensated for them. I got off to a horrible start in freshman year, improved a bit sophomore year, and had a much better junior year. However, they were all still mediocre - and my junior year was hur ta bit when I didn't do well on the Math B and Chemistry Regents (nothing I could do about Chem, my teacher was horrid). I didn't produce a great SAT either.</p>
<p>Here's my transcript/test scores:</p>
English 9: 81
Global History: 76
Math A1: 72
Math A2: 78 (Math A Regents: 80)
Earth Sceince: 78
Spanish 2: 69
Music in our Lives: 69
GPA: 74.769</p>
English 10 Honors: 87 (95 Regents)
Global 10 Honors: 77 (89 Regents)
Math A3: 80
Math B1: 66
Living Environment: 75 (81 Regents)
Spanish 3: 67 (Regents 66)
Web Page Design: 96
Health: 85
GPA: 78.250</p>
Creative Writing: 100
AP US History: 89 (88 Regents, 2 AP)
Law and Order: 81
Math B2: 71 (B Regents: 61)
AP English Language: 80 (4 AP)
Criminal Law: 80
Math B3: 77
Chemistry: 82
GPA: 83.636</p>
<p>This year:
AP English Literature
Short Literary Works
AP World History
American Economics
Participation in GOvernment
Math 12
<p>Overall GPA: 79.105
All GPA's are unweighted</p>
<p>SAT I:
1770 (600 CR, 590 M, 580 W), retaking in October.</p>
<p>I took the most rigorous schedule the school offered. </p>
<p>I'm somewhat diverse - my mother is a Dominican immigrant and my father is a second-generation Israeli. I'm located in NY.</p>
<p>I want to major in English.</p>
<p>Here are my ECs:
-- Four-year high school debater, member of the NFL (National Forensics League)
---- Won fifth place at Newburgh, NY tournament in sophomore year, been a long-standing member
since whose been involved 100% since freshman year.
-- Coded and partly designed HH Community Educational Foundation web site, name
referenced as Volunteer on web site. (100 hours).
-- Interned under Honorable John Walsh in the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, New York from
June through August 2005.<br>
-- Wrote extended poetry, appeared in 2006 (first semester) school literary magazine.
-- New York Mets editorials have appeared on numerous web-based outlets, including:
------ NYSportsDay.com
------ SheaBaseball.com
------ Personal outlets (FlushingHardball.com, NYMfans.com)
---- Also interviewed numerous minor league players, former major league players, and reputable
<p>I'm not sure where I should apply. I have schools I LOVE, but they're all not in my range, from what I hear. Schools like BU, Drew, Wagner, Goucher, UDelaware, UAlbany. I really have no idea where I'd fit. Any suggestions? I just really want to go to a four-year school.</p>