Horrible GPA, mediocre SATS - seriously. But some positives...

<p>High school, simply, was a mess. There are reasons for this, but simply put, I should've compensated for them. I got off to a horrible start in freshman year, improved a bit sophomore year, and had a much better junior year. However, they were all still mediocre - and my junior year was hur ta bit when I didn't do well on the Math B and Chemistry Regents (nothing I could do about Chem, my teacher was horrid). I didn't produce a great SAT either.</p>

<p>Here's my transcript/test scores:</p>

English 9: 81
Global History: 76
Math A1: 72
Math A2: 78 (Math A Regents: 80)
Earth Sceince: 78
Spanish 2: 69
Music in our Lives: 69
GPA: 74.769</p>

English 10 Honors: 87 (95 Regents)
Global 10 Honors: 77 (89 Regents)
Math A3: 80
Math B1: 66
Living Environment: 75 (81 Regents)
Spanish 3: 67 (Regents 66)
Web Page Design: 96
Health: 85
GPA: 78.250</p>

Creative Writing: 100
AP US History: 89 (88 Regents, 2 AP)
Law and Order: 81
Math B2: 71 (B Regents: 61)
AP English Language: 80 (4 AP)
Criminal Law: 80
Math B3: 77
Chemistry: 82
GPA: 83.636</p>

<p>This year:
AP English Literature
Short Literary Works
AP World History
American Economics
Participation in GOvernment
Math 12

<p>Overall GPA: 79.105
All GPA's are unweighted</p>

<p>SAT I:
1770 (600 CR, 590 M, 580 W), retaking in October.</p>

<p>I took the most rigorous schedule the school offered. </p>

<p>I'm somewhat diverse - my mother is a Dominican immigrant and my father is a second-generation Israeli. I'm located in NY.</p>

<p>I want to major in English.</p>

<p>Here are my ECs:
-- Four-year high school debater, member of the NFL (National Forensics League)
---- Won fifth place at Newburgh, NY tournament in sophomore year, been a long-standing member
since whose been involved 100% since freshman year.
-- Coded and partly designed HH Community Educational Foundation web site, name
referenced as Volunteer on web site. (100 hours).
-- Interned under Honorable John Walsh in the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, New York from
June through August 2005.<br>
-- Wrote extended poetry, appeared in 2006 (first semester) school literary magazine.
-- New York Mets editorials have appeared on numerous web-based outlets, including:
------ NYSportsDay.com
------ SheaBaseball.com
------ Personal outlets (FlushingHardball.com, NYMfans.com)
---- Also interviewed numerous minor league players, former major league players, and reputable

<p>I'm not sure where I should apply. I have schools I LOVE, but they're all not in my range, from what I hear. Schools like BU, Drew, Wagner, Goucher, UDelaware, UAlbany. I really have no idea where I'd fit. Any suggestions? I just really want to go to a four-year school.</p>

<p>Law and Order: 81</p>

<p>^ lol..is that a REAL class? tats freakin awesome</p>

<p>unfortunately, your GPA and SATs are HORRIBLE
most of your ecs are not unique, and you do not seem to hold leadership positions in any of them</p>

<p>id say BU is a reach, not sure about rest</p>

<p>dont worry, youre grades and test scores are not "horrible" as this genius above me posted. do you know what a 79.105 translates to on the 4.0 scale by any chance? i could help you out a lot better. but im guessing its probably slightly below a 3.0, which would mean your stats are basically identical to mine. i was told bu was a slight reach, so if you could get your sat up a little bit, it would be a pretty good fit. youve also got a good shot at goucher, drew, wagner and albany. delaware is a bit harder to get into, so id say its a reach for you.</p>

<p>Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Should I try to get some As on my senior transcript and apply to BU reg decision or show my interest (it's my dream school) and apply ED?</p>

<p>I also have confidence that I can write an excellent essay. And I will get two great recommendations from English teachers I've had over the years that have commended my work and my effort.</p>

<p>thats a tough question. i cant remember how bu's ed percentages compare to their rd percentages. you should go to the bu forum and ask there. someone will be able to tell you for sure there.</p>


<p>i actually just found the link i was looking for, and according to us news, the acceptance rate goes down %19 in the ed round, so id suggest applying rd and getting as good of grades as you can.</p>

<p><em>bump</em> ...</p>

<p>ouch. yeah gpa hurts a bit but no worries! none of those listed are really safetys...regents a bit low but ok. i'd say Boston University is a Reach, the others around a good match-reach, varying where you apply. you are in the 2.8-3.0 range and your school seems ordinary, so best advice I'd give you is do really well senior year!!!</p>

<p>Match at all your schools except UDelaware which is Reach.</p>


<p><em>wonders if BU is actually a match</em></p>

<p><a href="http://www.cascadia.ctc.edu/Faculty/dwhittaker/percent2gpa.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.cascadia.ctc.edu/Faculty/dwhittaker/percent2gpa.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Your GPA would be 2.4- not a 2.8-3.0</p>

<p>for w or uw? I'm sure those are for weighed gpa scale because I have a B/B+ and my consular says its about a 3.4.</p>

<p>Weighted doesnt matter, no college counts that. </p>

<p>Unweighted 2.4 is realllllllyyy super super super low for almost any college in the world, but if you can raise your SAT's up a considerable amount u got a shot then.</p>

<p>really? colleges dont count weighed?</p>

<p>each college uses their OWN system to re-calculate applicants GPAs/courses. this goes for all levels of work,ie, regular,honors,AP. they look heavily at the academic classes...english,math,sciences,histories, etc. some may not include other electives in this process at all. they certainly will look at weighted/unweighted, as that's how all applicants report GPAs, but will revamp it to their own "magical" formulation.</p>

<p>So I should look at a community college? I really didn't want to.</p>

<p>bump. LOVE goucher.</p>

<p>Have you looked at some SUNY colleges?</p>

<p>Albany, Buffalo, New Paltz, Oneonta</p>