Horrible 9th grade year, no chance at Cornell?

<p>I wasn't motivated at all... For some reason I forgot that 9th grade counted in the total averaged out gpa.. I also didn't do much ecs.</p>

<p>grades were pathetic try not to be too mean.. (CP = college prep, one level above general classes) My school doesn't offer honors spanish II
Geometry CP 87 avg
Biology Honors 88 avg
History Honors 96 avg
English Honors 96 avg
Spanish II CP 89 avg</p>

<p>I plan to get straight high A's, take toughest classes APs, for 10th and 11th. Plus study extra hard for SATS. Pratice tests show somewhere around 2300 total. Also I will get more involved in some EC's.</p>

<p>you really need to go away</p>


<p>please, stop worrying so much and have a little fun. life and education is about learning, not grades. if youre gonna cry over an B+/A- average for your freshman year, you really dont deserve to get into cornell anyway</p>

<p>Colleges don't care that much about freshman year, but at the super-competitive top 12 or 15 colleges, it is totally insane. The thing to understand is that these colleges have 4 or 5 outstandingly qualified applicants for each open slot.</p>

<p>The number one thing that colleges care about is difficulty of curriculum. Take the most challenging courses avail at your hs. Next they care about gpa and rank, and then standardized test scores. After you qualify on academics, they want unique applicants. They may want well rounded freshman classes, but they do not want well rounded students. You need to have long term commitment and "passion" in one or two activities. Do things in your summers. Have some volunteer hours. (Large public universities are more numbers driven.)</p>

<p>Yeah... those grades are definitely not Ivy-caliber. You'd still have a shot at top-tiered schools though.... but just as a back-up, you might want to familiarize yourself with McDonald's protocols and practice saying "Would you like to Supersize that?"</p>

C'mon, those grades for a HS sophomore are AWESOME.
I am a junior and want to apply for the ivies, yet my grades are EVEN LOWER than yours, but I don't feel ASHAMED about it since I the best I can.
God, I felt like you are just trying to offend some of the senior graders here.</p>

<p>Wow my freshman year I had a 2.6 plus my school only offers one honors class to freshman.</p>

<p>Guys stop lying to him. Just tell him the truth. Dude- go practice the line i taught you on my above post... hey state schools don't suck that much. = ]</p>

<p>I know people with those grades in their junior year and they got accepted to Cornell. Seriously, don't panic. Just do your best and don't slack off.</p>

<p>IS CP lower than honors? Anyways, I think you chances are fine...please don't be so hard on yourself. Your ambition is quite admirable.</p>

<p>Apply anyway. Seriously, if you have the money for application fees, apply everywhere that you want to go...because you never know what could happen. That's what I'm doing - I get a fee waiver for my application fees, so I can apply to as many schools as I want. Since I'm pretty indecisive, this benefits me, and I'll probably apply to 15 or more schools. </p>

<p>Hahah...I feel bad for taking advantage of the fee waiver.</p>