Hospitality and Tourism Management At Purdue!

<p>Hey there!
'm new here. Anyone has any idea how is the programme like in Purdue? According to the site Purdue's hospitality programme is ranked 1st nationally by a survey published in the December issue of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education.<br>
However, i cant seem to find the rankings. (am looking for other top ranked schools to apply to as well!)
Anyone can help?<br>

<p>um. im applying there for hotel management. they are one of the top schools for this major. however some other great schools are like cornell, michigan state, unlv, penn state, univ. of delaware, florida state, virginia tech.</p>

<p>yeah. but I dont' know how much the Ranked #1 counts for because honestly, I prefer Cornell and their program looks stronger. Also, schools like BU have their own hotel school too. How do you think BU's program and purdue's matches up? Consideing purdue is in west lafayette while BU is in the 11th larget metropolitan area? Thanks =]</p>

<p>oh, i really wanted to attend cornell too! Being one of the ivys, i think it would be really hard to get in? Besides, they say they focus and look into experiences in the hotel industry, etc, which i do not possess?</p>

<p>So with cornell crossed out, i focused on Boston. And to be frank i really really loved the school + programme!! Boston looks like such a nice uni and with their OWN hotel sch, it says more about it right? But, alas, the price to may for a private uni ($48k), coupled with the fact that my parents would prefer me not to go to a city campus, resulted in Boston being out of my list.
I'm really not sure if i should still apply to Boston though? BU looks really good! AHHHH!! BU mentioned alot about internship opportunities which is much easier to untake due to it being situated within the city itself? And i think thats something really important too!</p>

<p>Ya i know what you mean about Purdue being ranked #1, cause i myself have yet to find Hospitality rankings for Unis? And the one about it being ranked 1st can only be found from the Purdue website? But west lafayette does seem like a nice quaint town though? Never been to Indiana before so i have nooooo idea?</p>

<p>Am applying to penn state too. What about y'all?</p>

<p>don't forget NYU Jimgotkp! (School of Continuing and Professional Studies)</p>

<p>I wouldn't trust the rankings too much. Purdue was ranked #1, and Cornell was......nowhere. They opted to not be included for many years now, and BU's and NYU's programs are pretty new, so naturally they wouldn't be up there with the ranknings yet. The city aspects of BU and NYU are a def. plus that may not get factored in as well.</p>

<p>I talked to someone at Penn State's hospitality program who transfered to Cornell's Hotel School, and she says the classes are so huge at Penn that you only get to take hospitality classes as a junior and senior. I'm still applying there though, and I'll visit and find out more about all the schools I get into to make my decision.</p>

<p>oh wow i forgot about nyu and bu. i looked at them also. =/ </p>

<p>yeah as yousonofatree said they both are new programs in those two schools. so if u dont mind attending a new school then apply. i think its better to apply to schools that are in the city if you are majoring in hotel mgt. because you have more internship opportunities around you and better hotels to work at. </p>

<p>ehh penn state was my 3rd choice after cornell (ed), and purdue 2nd. i want to work my butt off if i get rejected from cornell. so then i can transfer because its easier to transfer into the hotel school of cornell then getting accepted freshman year. oh well...</p>

<p>oh, isnt NYU in grad school though? Perhaps i saw wrongly? </p>

<p>I was thinking of transferring perhaps after my freshman year too, are the credits transferable? Cause that one's major worry for me? Dont want to spend my time studying one year of courses which cannot really be transfered over?</p>

<p>btw, yousonofatree, when you said
"I talked to someone at Penn State's hospitality program who transfered to Cornell's Hotel School, and she says the classes are so huge at Penn that you only get to take hospitality classes as a junior and senior."</p>

<p>In that case, what classes did your friend take in her first few years?</p>

<p>I don't think its for grad school.. I'm not sure if the credits are transferable.. Maybe someone else might now.. I agree I don't want to waste a years worth of work for nothing.</p>

<p>Oh i just checked. Ya it isnt for grad school,
there is a BS for Hotel and Tourism Management</p>

<p>I'm assuming she just took gen ed classes- hard sciences, social sciences, PE, math, writing...maybe a couple of electives, but I remember her specifically telling me she only had 2 hospitality classes her sophomore and freshman year (one hospitality class each year).</p>

<p>oof.. this is making me rethink of psu being my 3rd choice</p>

<p>wow same here. Cause 've basically taken quite a few modules which will allow me to skip qt a few say science and math modules? so itll be tough if i cant take barely any hospitality courses in my 1st few years!</p>

<p>right now my order is cornell(ed), purdue, rutgers.. but rutgers is a safety/match for me and its cheap since its in-state. ive been thinking well maybe since hospitality mgt. just came out at rutgers i can go there. do well, pay 15k that year then transfer to cornell =]</p>

<p>my order: cornell, BU, and then..maybe purdue or nyu. I offense or anything, but I'm not so keen on the idea of Indiana being home for the next 4 years. And I LOVE new york. So, even though nyu's program is really really, if I don't get into my top two choices, I'm definitely going to visit and look into it a lot. </p>

<p>If I get guaranteed tranfer to cornell, I'm just going to attend a state school and transfer. Cuase if I attned a state school, I can live at home and save HELLA money my first year.</p>

<p>yeah, I looked on BU's program and I really liked it as well. Another major factor for me for BU is that they have a really nice UK study abroad program. And even some of cornell's UK programs are through BU so it has to be a huge program. And the whole big metropolis thing and own hotel school thing. ahaha.</p>

<p>my order: Cornell (of course :D), NYU, Purdue/ Penn State</p>

<p>I don't think I'm gonna apply to Boston, since it costs too much for what it's worth in my opinion. I'm not saying it's bad; I'm just saying I think it'd be financially wiser for me to go to a state school and try to transfer into Cornell after a year or two. </p>

<p>As for NYU, it has Stern, so if I don't like the hospitality program at NYU after the first year, I'll have the option of transferring into there.</p>

<p>Yeah, BU is really expensive but i'm hoping for scholarships. Honestly, other than Cornell, financial package is going to be a pretty big factor for me. But for Cornell... I'm going even if it means I'm going to be living in a box for the next ten years after I graduate. ahah. That's why a tiny part of me is even hoping more for guaranteed transfer than straight up acceptance. WAIT NO...CORNELL PLEASE STILL ACCEPT MEE! haha.</p>

<p>oh know it would be amazing if we all go to cornell. we would hopefully be friends and not be loners the first day? right?</p>

<p>password- I think theres an option where if you get straight up accepted to Cornell, you can opt to do something else for one year before attending. Maybe you're allowed to take classes somewhere else to fulfill GE's during that time? Maybe look into that when you get in =D</p>