Hosting Friends/Family when my dog is in the house

Curious what breed he is (if any)? Some breeds, (thinking of Border Collie) are known for their intelligence, though of course any dog could be smart.

I don’t know if these really work, but it would be wonderful if it did (I am not endorsing this so I hope I don’t get a spam flag for this!):

He’s a coton de tulear

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They totally understand NO. They just choose to ignore it. They are born as teenagers.


Now that has me wondering
 maybe our cat really is brilliant and just chooses to ignore everything we say! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Who picks up whose poop?


@Catcherinthetoast you always make me laugh!

If someone is uncomfortable around my dogs, I 100%, and happily, put them away.

But if people are ok with dogs, my dogs attend every gathering! I want my dogs socialized to having people in the house.


He says as I step away from CC to scoop poop :woman_facepalming:t3:



This is a GOOD example of the way threads can meander on CC


Is that a scented candle burning?

I guess the therapist cat will suggest doing this



I like to peek into long threads that I haven’t checked in a while and scroll to the most recent post, just to see what topic utterly unrelated to the thread title is being discussed. :smile:

At least here we’re still discussing pets (sort of
), so this one hasn’t meandered all that far.

OP got their question answered, so hopefully doesn’t mind the diversions.


If it’s one of my cats, we’d better hope so!

Aromatherapy for cats, lol.

My ODD is trying to teach our cat to use the buttons. This one says, “TREAT!” So far, he’s spontaneously pressed it on his own and not by accident one or two times. But most of the time so far, he lays next to it. Like he hopes that TREAT! will show up if he waits long enough. :rofl:


I love dogs but I really hate having them nose around your food during mealtimes.

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Just wanted to echo the point from above re: Ceasar Milan. We had a large, strong, dominant dog and struggled with her. After she passed we watched hours of “The Dog Whisperer” with Ceasar and it transformed our approach with dogs (calm confident energy, dogs like structure, you must be the alpha, it’s always the owner’s issue, not the dog, etc.). Our next dog was incredibly well-behaved, in great degree to our improved approach.


Today at a wilderness beach I ran into a group with an aggressive dog that growled at mine. I put him on a leash and went down the beach a ways. On the way out, they had their dog on a leash but they let him OFF before we were gone! The dog ran up to mine and again was very aggressive. The owner apologized but I didn’t say it was OK as I usually do, because it wasn’t. These people somehow got TWO Jeeps down a muddy trail not meant for vehicles. I have reported the incident to the trail club. I’m hoping they will block the trails from vehicles. One of the Jeeps was huge and parked ON the beach! People are so inconsiderate these days.

Sorry this happened to you and your pup.

On the many times that an aggressive loose dog has charged my dog while walking (they are usually in their yard with no lease or fence of any sort and apparently the owner things they are fine) I never tell the owner “it’s ok”. I always say, it’s not ok to purposefully leave them loose near a street and clearly where others will be passing by. I say, at the very least it is their job as an owner to keep their dog safe. Common sense would say they should also keep others safe- especially those following appropriate rules of leases!

I don’t have a dog but there have been times when a dog off leash has jumped at me. I’m frightened, once a dog took my glove off. And once an off leash dog chased after my when I was on my bike.

The crazy thing is that the owners poo poo it. Their dogs are so friendly. I don’t know that!