<p>Hi! I will be entering 9th Grade next year and am revisiting these three schools. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about them, specifically...</p>
<p>Are these schools diverse, or is it mostly upper class, rich, white, snooty kids from NYC/Connecticut, MA?
How challenging are the academics?
Is the school a "pressure cooker"?
What are their reputations?
What are the kids like?</p>
<p>I can only answer for Groton- Groton is specifically NOT a school for entitled kids- kids are selected to be service minded and kind to others. The school motto- cui servire est regnare- roughly translates “to serve is to lead”. The school is diverse and many states and countries are represented- what I hear over and over again is how kind students are to each other- and how involved faculty are with each and every kid. The school has a strong reputation for academics- but also for life preparation. It is small on purpose- the atmosphere is warm and family like.
Hope this helps!</p>
<p>Great options to choose from! I’d suggest paying attention to either 1) which social environment feels the most natural and “easy” to you, or 2) which environment makes you feel the most stimulated. Hard to know which of these qualities to choose, a sense of comfort versus a sense of challenge, but that’s your own personal input.</p>
<p>I don’t want to hijack the thread but it was meant as a slight, I lived and worked in Mill Valley, I know. I also grew up in NYC and live in CT and tire of the disparaging conjunction.</p>
<p>I know the three schools reasonably well and think you’ll find them all academically challenging but not pressure-cookers. All these schools look for balanced student bodies. I’d suggest making your judgement based on the comfort level you achieve on your revisit days. There is no substitute for actual experience. Good luck!</p>