Hotchkiss vs Kent vs Choate

can someone kindly advise on these schools?
looking for strong academics, strong studio art, good sports (tennis), good school spirirt, competitive but not cutthroat, walkable town (no so so rural), has nyc kids (where we live) but also a mix. thank you!


Why did you pick these schools? Where else are you looking? While great schools, all different. Hotchkiss does not have a walkable town. Have you researched them? I think the requirements are a bit basic. They will all have NY kids (as NY is a big east coast BS feeder). They are all national and international so you will have a mix of other students. Most have strong tennis and arts. I think being a bit more specific and thoughtful in your questions will yield better insights. What is your students background/more deeply looking for? Why does your student want to go to BS? What are they hoping to experience/accomplish? What size schools? Your current questions are basic web search questions. Regarding the cut throat piece: For sure some schools are more intense than others and it is more prevalent at the top schools. We found the kids at both Hotchkiss and Choate to be very nice (but someone there can answer better). We did not look at Kent.

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Thank you for your reply. We just started our BS search, and decided to apply a bit late in the game in addition to a few NYC privates. We are an internation family (husband is european) and lived in europe until the kids were in 4th grade–so they both speak another language fluently having gone to local private schools over there (not international schools), we go back and forth often. Kid #1 is interested in BS–but wants to stay closer to home and have options to come home on weekends (safety net). She is smart, social, into fine arts and some sports. Laid back, but competitive academically-likes to be challenged. Well rounded, likes some structure. Wants mid-big size (more option for friend groups).

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DS is not the super outdoors, nature-y type (lets go on a hike)–ie: deerfield while an awesome top school–wouldnt be the right fit.

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Of those 3, CRH sounds the closest to what you’re looking for. You might also want to take a look at schools on the “other” train line – Peddie, Lawrenceville and George. Even the latter, with 550 in its student body, offers students plenty of friend choice.

Your best bet, really, is to sign up for a tour and interview. Yes, you can dig more on other details , but the feel of each place will either work or it won’t and odds are, you’ll know pretty quickly if you have found a good option.

In terms of competitive environment, all these schools (including the ones mentioned above) have lots of high-achieving students. Some have environments where some kids will experience that in a way that feels competitive while others may strive to focus more on finding their own path and being their best at that.


Thank you so much!!