Hours per week for activities?

<p>For the activities sections of college apps, how is it possible to estimate the hours per week spent on certain activities? For example, I am in Key Club, but because I don't do community service every single week, my hours per week would be less than one. Should I put .75 hours (.5 to account for the fact that we have a 30 minute meeting every week and then .15 to account for the times that I do community service throughout the year) per week or something like that?</p>

<p>Or what about significant activities that you did that were only one time things? For example, I was a Boys State delegate, but that was only for one week. How am I supposed to put an hours per week for that? Should I just explain in the space provided below to talk about awards, leadership positions, etc for each activity?</p>

<p>For Key Club, just put 1 hour per week.</p>

<p>For Boys State delegate, put “1” under “weeks per year” and then put the number of hours each day of the week that you participated in activities. For example, if the activities were from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., put “13 hours per day.”</p>

<p>Don’t explain anything of the sort in your “awards/leadership” section. You only have one line for that, so you’ll want to fill it with any recognition(s) and position(s) you’ve held for each activity.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>decrescendo beat me to it! </p>

<p>And frankly don’t over-think it…</p>

<p>Do prizes or accolades won in extracurricular competitions count more than do mere participation in community service?</p>

<p>Thanks for the input guys and I think it would depend how prestigious the awards are, VanHalen.</p>