housemates enjoy that I have gained weight

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<p>OMG, I am not sure how to react to this,</p>

<p>My housemate just came back from a night out, walked into the bathroom and upon seeing me on the scale started to laugh. She was obviously drunk and when I asked why she was laughing her response was she is going to win the bet this year without having to influence me at all. Now I was confused, and a little mad. She then started to talk about my weight pointing out that freshman year I weighed around 115 lbs, the same as her and reminding me we used to share clothes before I gained weight. We have lived with the same girls since sophmore year either in a suite or a house. She assumed I would lose the weight I gained freshman year (which was around 20 lbs) over the summer and when I came back having noticibly gained more weight she and the other 2 girls we live with took bets on if I would gain weight sophmore year, and if so how much. They have done this every year since then, right now were in our senior year. I was so mad I didn’t know what to say. </p>

<p>She then went on to say that every year she bets that I would gain the greatest amount of weight and she always won even if she had to help me out a little bit. This is where I lost it and started yelling at her, and she just yelled back saying how easy it was.AAAAAAAAAh I don’t know what to do. My weight has gone from around 115lbs to 203 lbs(which is what the scale said when she walked in tonight) and just thought that my friends have been having fun and enjoying my weight gain make me scream.</p>

<p>omg i don’t know what to say to you.
this story makes me laugh and makes me upset at the same time.
what *****es.</p>

<li>throw away allllll the weight and make her lose the bet</li>
<li>pretend you’ve gone anorexic, as a result of this trauma, fake out visits to hospitals and fainting accidents to intensify the situation, and then blame everything on her. she will feel bad.</li>
<li>pick out her weakness and make other bets about her with other friends behind her back. </li>


<p>omg you went from 113 to 200+ in a YEAR? *** are you eating</p>

<li>pick out her weakness and make other bets about her with other friends behind her back. </li>


<p>The “bad girl” in me loves this idea. Make it your mission to succeed to the best you can in EVERYTHING this semester. Concentrate on getting awesome grades, concentrate on losing the weight and gaining endurance (just think of the awesome summer you could have with your new mind and body), and concentrate on cutting your alcohol consumption (limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks maximum and drink this small amount only one night a week). Don’t tell these girls your plan. Just go about your day and keep your transformation plan to yourself. The purpose of the plan is to help you transform yourself into the person you know that it hiding somewhere within. Get involved with things outside of your living environment. Join a new club, take an art class or music class or a fun phys ed class or anything that separates you from the jerks you live with now. Concentrate on yourself—just think of how much better you’ll feel about yourself once you realize that you are indeed in charge of your own happiness. By the end of the semester, the “new you” in both body and mind can say goodbye to those b-tches and move on to a bright future.</p>

<p>Success is the best revenge.</p>

<p>First of all, I’m sorry for the way your “friends” have treated you. The way they acted should maybe make you reevaluate who your true friends are. </p>

<p>At the same time, gaining that much weight in four years is not healthy. Are you happy with your body they way it is now? Try to exercise a few times a week, even if it’s just walking with an incline on the treadmill, and watch what you eat-lay off the late night snacking and choose fruit over cookies for dessert. But do it for yourself, not for your rude housemates. It’ll make you feel better, improve your health, AND show your friends up!</p>

<p>Not to be mean or anything…but you should really start going to the gym. Thats a lot of weight in a small amount of time. It’ll also help you get out some of that frustration/anger you have towards your roomates…prove her wrong next year.</p>

<p>Do you want to lose weight? As someone who has lost quite a bit in the last few months I would give you this as advice:</p>

<p>1) Cut out as much meat as possible. Meat is SOO calorie-filled. If you are going to eat meat, eat a small amount, and make sure it’s chicken breast, turkey breast or steamed fish.</p>

<p>2) Measure your food. You would be surprised with how small a serving size of cereal is supposed to be, for example.</p>

<p>3) Drink water ALL the time. If you feel like you’re going to binge, drink two large glasses of cold water, wait 10 minutes, you’ll find you’re not hungry anymore.</p>

<p>4) Eat lots of salads, and only use salsa or balsamic vinegar as dressing (these are only 5-10 calories a tablespoon, as opposed to 80 calories like a lot of other dressing).</p>

<p>5) CUT OUT CARBS (or try to). Pasta, rice, white bread, have SO MANY CALORIES in them. Like a serving of pasta is almost as much as a McD cheeseburger. :o</p>

<p>6) Eat fruit (some fruit, however, can be very calorific, like bananas).</p>

<p>And I got a million more, if you’d like to PM me for some. Exercise is important, but not THAT important. Cutting the number of calories in food is easier.</p>

<p>Maybe you could get back at your housemates by making them put on weight. Give them ‘weird Swedish nutrition bars from Africa’, like in Mean Girls.</p>