housemates enjoy that I have gained weight

<p>OMG, I am not sure how to react to this,</p>

<p>My housemate just came back from a night out, walked into the bathroom and upon seeing me on the scale started to laugh. She was obviously drunk and when I asked why she was laughing her response was she is going to win the bet this year without having to influence me at all. Now I was confused, and a little mad. She then started to talk about my weight pointing out that freshman year I weighed around 115 lbs, the same as her and reminding me we used to share clothes before I gained weight. We have lived with the same girls since sophmore year either in a suite or a house. She assumed I would lose the weight I gained freshman year (which was around 20 lbs) over the summer and when I came back having noticibly gained more weight she and the other 2 girls we live with took bets on if I would gain weight sophmore year, and if so how much. They have done this every year since then, right now were in our senior year. I was so mad I didn't know what to say. </p>

<p>She then went on to say that every year she bets that I would gain the greatest amount of weight and she always won even if she had to help me out a little bit. This is where I lost it and started yelling at her, and she just yelled back saying how easy it was.AAAAAAAAAh I don't know what to do. My weight has gone from around 115lbs to 203 lbs(which is what the scale said when she walked in tonight) and just thought that my friends have been having fun and enjoying my weight gain make me scream.</p>

<p>I’m feeling a deja vu.</p>

<p>Who cares what they thing.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but if you have friends betting on you gaining weight and a friend who “helps” you a little bit to win her bet, it’s time to move out and find other friends. You don’t need a bunch of backstabbers in your life.</p>

<p>Also, if you really did gain a hundred pounds in four years, you should try to lose a few pounds. Once you get older, it will be harder to lose weight and it’s always best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. College can be stressful, so maybe the weight gain was a result of that?</p>

<p>you went from 115 to 203? you should get serious about your health…and find other friends</p>

<p>You should go see an endocrinologist. That much weight gain could be a result of hormones and/or body metabolism.</p>

<p>And if I were you, I would think twice about accepting any food from your alleged friends. Not to sound paranoid, but I wouldn’t trust anyone with those kind of morals.</p>

<p>Lose the weight. Go back to 115. That really sucks that they did that behind your back, especially about weight, but lose it, get back to 115, but don’t do it so that they won’t make fun of you. Do it so that you will be healthier. Obviously, they don’t know what the hell being true to your friends means. If you lose the weight, the only thing you have on your plate would be the stability of their friendship. If you don’t lose the weight, you have the weight to worry about, and their friendship. Lose the weight, girl! If you were 115 once, I know you can do it again!!!</p>

<p>edit: oh, and the only reason I see them doing that is because they were jealous of you when you guys were younger, so they were happy that you were gaining weight. man your housemates sound terrible</p>

<p>MOVE OUT! They are not your friends. </p>

<p>Find more supportive friends who care about you and what’s on the inside.</p>

<p>Then if you want to lose weight for your health or for you do it for the right reasons.</p>

<p>MOVE OUT!!! Really. Right away!</p>

<p>USC: “And if I were you, I would think twice about accepting any food from your alleged friends. Not to sound paranoid, but I wouldn’t trust anyone with those kind of morals.” </p>

<p>You mean like in “Mean Girls” where they offer the Swedish carb bars?</p>

<p>Bad genetics? Happens, you will get over it</p>

<p>Get new friends and stop eating so much</p>