<p>i recently got into the honors program and UNC, but i have a housing question. will i be missing out on the freshmen experience if i opt to have an honors roommate in Cobb?</p>
<p>(side note- Connected Learning Program is separate from Honors roommate selection correct?)</p>
<p>My son had a honors roommate and was in what was then Morrison South. I know of several others on CC in years following who were also placed in one of the newer “directional” dorms but still on south campus.</p>
<p>It depends on what you want. If being a part of everything on South Campus is important to you, then you might want to be on South Campus. I got Cobb through luck of the draw, and I would not change it for anything.</p>
<p>I never ever ever ever ever regret having lived in Kenan my freshman year. South campus is far away and doesn’t have a soul.</p>
<p>Okay, maybe that’s an over exaggeration, but I got a FINE freshman experience living on north. No matter what you’ll get your freshman experience and all your friends will be freshmen, so don’t you worry about that. If you get the chance to live up north, take it.</p>
<p>It also helps you when you’re applying for dorming sophomore year. They very rarely move people who are already on north down south (and if they do you can call them and say WHAAAAAT and they’ll put you back on north), but it’s hard to get off south campus if you’re down there. Believe me, people will say what they will about living down south their first year… but NO ONE wants to be there sophomore year.</p>