housing application question ...

<p>My d's looking at gatech, one of three schools she's looking at. Now, she's not made a decision, and, frankly, part of the decision making process will include whether she gets a President's Scholarship or not. She's been admitted. Is she supposed to pre-pay a $600 housing payment now before she decides whether she wants to attend. And, if we wait ... will that make it more difficult getting housing? Just seems as though that's a lot of money to tie up ( and how much do you lose, btw, if you decide not to go there ?) when we don't know if she'll be attending. I'm very confused. Any current students remember back on how they did this?</p>

<p>Oh ... is housing priority based on application date received or housing application date received?</p>

<p>And, I know that PSP students get housing priority, so does that mean if she gets PSP all my questions will be moot, anyway?</p>

<p>Thanks oh wise Yellow Jackets! :)</p>


<p>You do not have to pay the housing deposit until the deadline, which I believe is in the spring. I think it was in May. My son was waiting to hear from the Naval Academy and did not accept his GT offer until early April. Not only does he have housing on campus, but he got in his first choice of dorms. Do not pay the $600 until your daughter decides for sure.</p>

<p>If you submit the 600 dollar prepayment by may 1st you are guaranteed housing on-campus. Of course, you might not get the preferences you want (probably not west).</p>

<p>Here’s cancellation policy [Georgia</a> Tech Housing: Assignments](<a href=“http://www.housing.gatech.edu/assignments/undergraduate_cancel.cfm]Georgia”>http://www.housing.gatech.edu/assignments/undergraduate_cancel.cfm)</p>

<p>Housing priority is based on housing application date.</p>

<p>and I would think so, yes.</p>