Housing Concerns?

I’ve been waiting on scholarship money and UFE decisions before putting down my Freshman Enrollment deposit, but I’m a bit concerned about housing. I would like to live in Honors Housing, preferably one of the Ridgecrest halls, but how likely is it that they will be full before I commit and apply for housing (within the next few weeks)? Any advice on housing would be appreciated :slight_smile:

While you have missed the deadline to participate in housing selection, it is possible to be “pulled in” to a suite by a potential roommate who paid their deposit early and has an assigned housing selection time. If you do not do that, you will be assigned a dorm room by the housing department based on your preferences. If you specify Honors housing in your preferences there is a good chance that you will be assigned there since that is not the dorm that normally fills first.

Last year, I believe that there was still honors housing available even as late as June. That’s why I wasn’t too worried about paying the deposit early.

If you are an individual not trying to coordinate dorm selection, it greatly increases your chances at being placed in your preferred dorm. Requesting honors housing probably helps that even more.