Housing question

My son is starting in fall 2018 as a chemistry major. We wanted to fill out the housing application asap but since all the campus tours seem to be booked, we have not been able to take a look inside any of the residence halls and I just wondered if any of you knew the advantages/disadvantages of each?

From the tour today they only had two. Doubles or triples or the suites. Downside of suites are they are on the opposite of campus and away from most freshmen and the ractivities and end up spending most of their time there. The rest of the housing is halls and major themed. They didn’t show the suites but did show the halls. They are.older but have plenty of room and storage…

If you’re local, just show up to a a scheduled tour. They won’t turn you down. There were several add ones when we attended tour during spring break. However, they only go through one building in the freshman housing during the tour. Several parents said here are lots of you tube videos to get a better idea of the options including the suites.