Housing scholarship?

<p>I was told today (I called again), that a student can declare a second major after school begins in August and after meeting with an advisor. I think a form is filled out, signed, and submitted.</p>

<p>Have to say the lack of consistent information is frustrating to say the least. Hope to have it resolved today, though I heard the weather may impact some things on campus. This is when living close to campus would be a huge benefit, always easier to figure things out face to face.</p>

<p>Seems like when admissions says they are 100% sure of something you should be able to trust that…</p>

<p>Have a message in to the Dept. Chair and hope to speak with her by phone today. We have to go with someone as the final word on this so I think she is the best bet.</p>

<p>Thanks again everyone :)</p>


<p>Unless the dept chair is willing to put in writing (by email or whatever) that if your son applies while not currently in the major and is selected, he can use the money towards college costs other than tuition, then I wouldn’t have my son apply.</p>

<p>At least if you have something in writing from the dept head, then Scholarships would have to honor it even if it breaks their normal rules.</p>

<p>You’re getting inconsistent info because the dept is claiming something that is at odds with university policy. I can understand that depts don’t often know (or care…LOL) what university policy is because they often act in their own little worlds. Academia doesn’t really like having others tell them what to do. They like to act as if they are the masters of their own universes…LOL</p>