Housing Situation?

<p>So, I wasn't chosen for the housing lottery. Needless to say, I'm kinda ticked off, especially considering that I had already chosen my suitemates... Anyone have experience with not being chosen with the lottery for sophomore year? What are the chances of getting a spot on campus?</p>

<p>As a Singer scholar, a Foote Fellow and someone who probably came in with at least ~30 AP credits, you’ll technically be a junior (on paper) next year. Really surprised that you didn’t get in. Assume you were applying to Mahoney-Pearson and not UV?
Talk to your RA and the residential muckity-mucks in Hecht…</p>

<p>Yeah, my friends didn’t have enough credits to do UV, so I only did Mahoney-Pearson. I’m going to call housing on Monday, and I emailed Dr. Green to see if he could pull some strings. Hopefully this gets resolved…</p>

<p>Marinebio444 - I heard it was another very tough housing situation this year. IllD93 was selected for M/P/E but not for UV - she had opted in for either/or since she is a junior right now and has a friend she planned to room with if they got into UV . The friend opted in for UV ONLY so I have no idea where that leaves her since she wasn’t selected either. Please let us know whether you get anywhere with the housing office.</p>

<p>A few weeks ago I was asked by a parent of a prospective freshman who will be attending this year’s Singer Scholarship weekend what IllD93 does NOT like about the _:</p>

<p>“What does she not like about the _? Hmm. Nothing as far as I know.* I’ve* got a complaint though! You can read more about this issue on CC where dumbo11 has stated that this is the only thing she doesn’t like about the school, and it turned out to be my pet peeve too -** the way housing is assigned after freshman year.”**</p>

<p>Last year’s very helpful thread on the housing situation :</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1298247-housing-worries.html#post14057677[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1298247-housing-worries.html#post14057677&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>(and to answer the question in post #6 on that thread by seekinuni very belatedly - Nope, apparently not, based on marinebio444’s situation) </p>

<p>It does sound as if all the freshmen who were not selected and ended up waitlisted were eventually accommodated, but there has to be a better way.</p>

<p>You might want to consider that just recently (Friday) new AFs and RAs were selected for next year, thus opening up perhaps 20-30 spots which will not be needed because those jobs have rooms reserved. Once the contracts are signed, then you can inquire about more spots opening up…I hope it works out for you and keep in mind that anyone waitlisted, did eventually get a room on campus in the past.</p>

<p>At the parents session, a question about housing came up and the answer was all sophomores will get housing on campus if they want it. So it sounds like there are housing issues in regards to sophomores staying on campus.</p>