picking your roommate?

<p>for freshman, if you meet someone and agree you'd like to be roommates in the fall is there away to request this? or does it have to be completely random?</p>

<p>you'll be able to request to room with a friend once you pick your housing...i forget what month i did it but you'll have sufficient time to finalize your decision</p>

<p>Pick me! Pick me!</p>

<p>Just kidding, they don't want me......pffffft.... wait listed with a "special offer." Bummer =(</p>

<p>No tears though, I got into all my other schools thus far and I only have 2 more to hear back from. So far, other than Miami, I got all scholarships. I don't know, maybe the chick I had the interview with disliked me.<br>
(It was an informal question/answer type interview.) </p>

<p>I think they got spooked because I live in Arizona. [=0</p>

<p>use another thread to complain about not being accepted</p>

<p>screw you phoampiper</p>

<p>azsummer: INAPPROPRIATE RESPONSE you made to Phoampiper!!!!</p>

<p>Compared to the other schools you applied to, Miami may be more selective as they have been raising the bar each year, hence, the waitlist. You have other options, with money, as you mentioned, at other schools, so it is time to move on and focus on the threads of those schools and put this disappointment behind you. To believe that Miami should have accepted you because SUNY Buffalo did, or Penn State did, is unrealistic. Each school has different standards and looks for different things. Being from AZ surely helps at these state schools! Both are good schools, as I'm sure are your other choices, so pick one and be happy about it instead of focusing on your disappointment and being nasty on the Miami thread.</p>

<p>Quoth azsummer: "I'm not waiting, I've got better things to do."</p>

<p>Apparently you don't have anything better to do than complain about not being accepted at The U.</p>

<p>I'll continue to enjoy the sunshine and full scholarship, hope you have fun at the public schools :]</p>

<p>oh yea, lest i not remember, don't forget to pack your parka</p>

<p>but yea, hellas05...you'll be fine just make sure you know you're compatible with the person, because i have friends here who came knowing people they were rooming with and soon figured out that they made a poor decision. good luck and see you in the fall!</p>

<p>Yeah, you can request a roommate. Make sure you exchange UM ID's, aka cane numbers I think, with the person who you want to room with. When you apply for housing you will be asked if you have any preferred roommates; both of you should then enter the other person's UM ID.</p>

<p>lol bickering alert! Hehe.<br>
You guys are really lucky you have your decisions...I'm starting to grow concerned...I mean I am a transfer student but I know a LOT of transfers who have had their decisions for about 2 weeks...and here I am still waiting <em>biting nails</em>.</p>

<p>First of all, You're a "guy" from NY. I'm a sweet looking chick from SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA - Bring your own parka, "Mr. New York."
I can stay on these threads as long as I choose.
Besides, I'm a betting woman. I'll bet you mucho money that I get in ASAP.
Others I've gotten into that I haven't mentioned yet are:
UNC-Chapel Hill (ea)
University of Rochester
Washington & Lee
U Pittsburgh
Georgetown (ea)</p>

<p>Am I sweating UM? I don't think so.<br>
But I'm definately going to stay on here to root for my friend Jeremy!</p>

<p>GO JEREMYBEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>az: Advice...
If you have something against guys from NY then Miami is not the place for you. They are swarming the school. You should also then avoid some of your other schools for the same reason. </p>

<p>Skeptical about your list though. Why? The only schools you posted on CC were (UM) BU, Purdue, SUNY Buffalo, Penn State and DePaul, none of which you mention above and the last 3 you claim to have gotten scholarships from. Why exclude them from your list?</p>

<p>Also, in your post of 10/07 you wrote your unweighted GPA of 3.5 NOT 4.0, and top 20%. (How is it now miraculously 4.0 unweighted. Miami looks at all 4 high school years.)</p>

<p>Honesty is usually a given on this website. We are hear to support one another and give advice. There are no guaranteed matches these days. All the kids need to deal with where they get in. That's all that counts. (Where kids don't get in doesn't matter.) The site helps determine if a school is a good fit or not. Bruinsjew was a great help to me as I felt he was honest and reliable in the information he posted on the Maryland thread, hence, my son will not be applying there. Others may not find his information a negative to themselves or their children. Fabricating is just a waste of time on CC.</p>

<p>JeremyBeach- been following you since last spring on this thread (and Tulane, which gives great merit, but from what you wrote, it is not the school for my son either). I hope you get into Miami. You are definitely one who has the passion to be there and I hope you can provide us with good news and we can celebrate with you. Other than calling admissions and sending them your CC screen name I don't know how you can show them your interest level. As with the entire admissions process, it is out of your hands. You sound like a great kid and I hope you get in here or Loyola and that happiness and success follow you. It must be that much harder to choose a major where you need to audition and that makes it more competitive for you than most others to be accepted. Good luck!</p>

<p>azsummer--Haha thanks :). Rootin' for you too (and everybody else.) Good luck to all!!</p>

<p>Crazed--:) nice post. Yes I would love love to go to Miami, but if I don't get in, I guess things happen for a reason. If I do get in, then I will probably stub my pinky toe running to my parents too fast haha. We'll see though!
Yeah I mean Tulane has an AMAZING location though! (New Orleans--hence the reason(S) why I applied to Loyola!) But just I don't know so many things wrong with it. I won't go into that here it's a miami forum after all!</p>

<p>But, yes yes yes, you are so right about the added competition/stress about being a music major. Yikes! Sadly, this is just a small sample of what it will be like in the real world after college (much harsher.) It's like, ifI get into Miami academically, great! Then I'd have to wait for Frost (the school of music @ mia) to get back to me...and getting in there oy vey at least for this year is quite the competition! SO it's like two admissions processes haha.</p>

<p>Good luck to your son!</p>

<p>I didn't even finish reading your post, because obviously you didn't read mine very well.<br>
I said, "Others I've gotten into that I haven't mentioned yet are:"</p>

<p>Key word there, "yet."</p>

<p>My academic GPA IS a 4.0. Swear to g-d. I took all Pre IB. IB and AP classes. No I did not earn my IB Diploma. True, I applied to a TON of crazy schools. Everything from super easy to very difficult. Some with legacies, and some recommendations. I probably did post 3.5 or something different at some other time. It may have been what I thought it was at the time. 'shrugs' I dunno... But I certainly did not lie. Thanks for the heads up to allow me to clarify what I was saying! <em>smile</em></p>

<p>hey just wondering what happens with roommates when you transferr mis sememster internationally?? thank you!</p>