
<p>If there is already a thread on this subject that I missed please redirect me towards that but it might still be good to have a thread addressing housing questions for this year's incoming freshmen. How are roommate assignments made? At some schools I know there is a compatibility questionnaire, at others it is completely randomized. Do many students try to choose their roommate on their own and request to have that person, or is that rare? I haven't read anything about honors/foote fellows living together on Miami's website. Do they live with the other freshmen? At all the other schools that I had been looking at it seems as if honors lived with other honors students causing me to wonder if that was the case here.</p>

<p>There is the compatibility survey/matcher, and that’s how most people find their roommate. It’s less common to do random. I’d say 95% of the guys on my floor picked their roommates. Honors students and Foote Fellows are not housed together, as that would be boring to have all similar-minded people living together. There is special interest housing as well as substance-free floors if you so choose, but I personally wouldn’t recommend that.</p>

<p>I went random with my roommate and we aren’t best friends or anything (always important to remember that you don’t have to be best friends with the roomie) but if you’re worried, pay more attention to which residential college (dorm) you chose. Each freshman dorm has its own unique flavor, I would say…</p>