
Loyola requires incoming freshman to dorm for two years or be qualified for an exemption, usually that student living with their parents. I completed the exemption because I cannot afford to dorm at the moment.

My concern is my mom. I don’t want to be at home and she doesn’t want me here. She agreed to let me live here only because I can’t move out. She’s looking into loans she can take out (Parent Plus Loan) to pay for me to dorm but after research and her credit history it’s highly likely she’ll be denied. I’ve already received the max financial aid and am looking into scholarships but won’t be able to get them in time for the school year.

My mother and I have serious issues and she has kicked me out the house three times while I was in school. When I turn 18, legally, she is not required to let me back in. I fear that this will happen while in college. I don’t want to deal with the stress that I did in high school but want to focus on my studies.

Is there any other option? Has anyone has this problem and worked it out with residence life? I plan to save up money to dorm next year but there is still this year. In the event I do get kicked out I have a few places I can go but I’d rather prevent the problem.

Any help is appreciated.

Contact the university. It’s a catholic school so I don’t think they would turn a blind eye to their student’s situations.