
<p>When will housing information be up?</p>

<p>Or do I have to matriculate to FSU before I get housing information?</p>

<p>Summer housing late May,and Fall early June. Upperclassmen are just hearing now.</p>

<p>sunnyflorida - summer upperclassman housing registration just opened today. Do you know when they send out the notices since summer a & b start May 11 and the dorms open May 7?</p>

<p>PLK, my D did summer last year as a new freshman, but is not staying for summer this year. But my understanding is that they don’t open up summer registration for upperclassman until late–ie now–as many current students don’t really decide about whether they need summer until they are a good way through this semester. Some are changing majors, need classes that they had to drop this semester, etc. </p>

<p>The priority deadline for current students for summer is this Friday the 10th at 5pm. It is my understanding that the assignments will be determined the following week. When exactly they are mailed to the U-box I do not know. They have listed that students have until 4/25 to cancel the summer housing contract, and that students who get their housing applications in after the priority deadline of 4/10 can stop by the housing office on 4/29 to get their housing assignment. </p>

<p>My guess is that if your application is in by the 10th, the latest you hear is by the 25th. Ragans is the only upperclassman hall open for summer, and I don’t believe it fills up totally by the priority deadline. So your son or daughter will be in Ragans for summer, and will just have to wait for the exact room assignment to be made over the next 2 weeks. I think because everyone is in Ragans for summer, the notification date is not that important (to housing that is!)</p>

<p>Here is the info. <a href=“https://campus.fsu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_149_1&url=https://bb5.fsu.edu/cas/login?service=https://apps.oti.fsu.edu/SecureLogin/Authenticator?FINALURL=https://nwrdc.fsu.edu:1204/fsysrr98?ORIGIN=J&noheader=true&nofooter=true&noheader=true&nofooter=true[/url]”>https://campus.fsu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_149_1&url=https://bb5.fsu.edu/cas/login?service=https://apps.oti.fsu.edu/SecureLogin/Authenticator?FINALURL=https://nwrdc.fsu.edu:1204/fsysrr98?ORIGIN=J&noheader=true&nofooter=true&noheader=true&nofooter=true&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>oops your student has to be signed in to read the page. Here it is


<p>Thanks for all the info. He signed up this morning. He’s pretty set on wanting Ragans even though all his classes for “B” & “C” will be in Williams. He’s already signed up for the same type of housing next year, but off campus.</p>

<p>The one thing I can’t understand is why the dorms close for 4 days between “B” & “C”. Of course we’re glad that he’ll come home for a couple days, but it’s a 7 hour drive. LOL</p>

<p>Any idea how to apply for the McCollum single apartment efficiency in a reassignment request? My previous reassignment request was processed this morning and came back with a another townhouse. I called housing but they were cranky and didn’t understand I had already tried to do a reassignment request for McCollum.</p>

<p>No. Sorry. Might be worth a visit in person to housing office to discuss. It is a “cranky” time of the year for them, but a visit in person would help,</p>