How accurate is Cappex for chancing people?

For people who used cappex before can you tell me how accurate it is?
Like for the schools it was saying you’re a solid candidate for did you get in?
What about the schools it was saying you’re in the middle for?
And what about the schools it was saying are a stretch but not impossible
Cappex says for me
SDSU I’m a solid candidate for
UCSD I’m in the middle they’ve rejected people with similar stats and accepted as well
UCD Its a stretch but not impossible
And here are some of my stats Btw
UC/CSU gpa :3.86
Unweighted GPA: 3.5
First gen College student
Good Unique Personal Statements
I took 6AP/Honors Courses over 4 years
I also took 2 Gate classes freshman year

Cappex is based purely on numbers, it cannot judge your essays or extracurricular activities. Just keep that in mind!

Use it as a source, but not a be-all-end-all. I think that Cappex is great for students who want a visual representation of their chances. Just know that this is the opinion of a computer program, not a human being. What the computer says your chances are is highly objective, whereas college admissions is more subjective once you’ve passed a certain point (where this point is changes depending on what school you’re applying to.) Someone with a presumed “low chance” of getting in according to Cappex could very well be accepted, and vice versa. Basically, don’t get your hopes up or make presumptions before you receive your admission decision. You may very well be surprised.

Keep in mind that Cappex is based on Historical, SELF-REPORTED data. You have no assurance of how accurate any of that data is concerning the scatter plots and such to base yourself off. I’d say its a good little benchmark but do not tell yourself that what it says is written in stone. For the UCs especially there are so many other variables that a system like Cappex doesn’t account for. Good luck.