<p>Hey guys, I'm currently a junior and look at the TCCI FAMILY CONNECTIONS scattergrams alot. However, how accurate are these. For Duke the average GPA accepted was a 3.8 and the average ACT was a 31. Now how can that be? I come from a prep school in NYC (fordham prep) but does this play a large part in the college admissions process because is a jesuit school and its a prep school? I mean, also on those scattergrams you can't tell if they're legit. I've taken only honors/AP's and have a 3.78gpa right now but people on those scattergrams could have a 4.0 without taking any honors.
Any comments?</p>

<p>Naviance is great to get a very general idea of the stats for students at your hs who have been acepted or denied at a particular college. But you really have to use them only in a general sense. Students who were accepted with seemingly low stats might have been recruited athletes, legacy, development admit or minority. Naviance does not tell you any of that. And if your school does not weight grades for honors or AP - you are correct - you don’t know anything about the rigor of the coursework from Naviance.</p>

<p>I think those stats for Duke seem low. I have seen many students with higher stats be waitlisted or rejected at Duke. </p>

<p>So, use Naviance as a starting point - it is fun to look at. But don’t take it as a guarantee of your future results.</p>

<p>allright I hope that because of my school name I have a little advantage when applying. I hear that colleges really like the whole “jesuit” thing.
Also has anyone heard that by applying as a classics major to college you have a better shot? It seems that at my school (where classics are really pushed) alot of kids app as classics majors and get into great schools. Even my guidence councler has told me that Colleges love to see Latin for 4years on a transcript.</p>