How am i going to pay for OOS

<p>Hi I live in california and want to attend university of arizona. As you know, oos fees is super duper high at like 35k and im kinda worried my parents cant pay it off.</p>

<p>I have a 4.07 gpa and 1530 sat. i got a 4k scholarship and a macbook
my efc is 0
so im not too sure how im going to pay the rest even though i get pell grants and loans</p>

<p>Scholarships, scholarships, scholarships. Big part of how most of us pay for college. Have you looked at any or applied? Even $500 is a big help when it covers books. If you post more stats, I’m sure there are people willing to help you find some you’re eligible for.</p>

<p>If you’re eligible for Pell Grants, you’re probably eligible for work-study. Depending on your major, we have some nice internship opportunities that pay a nice chunk of cash for something that helps your resume. </p>

<p>Also, do you plan on living on campus? I suggest not doing it; commuters can still have fun and meet people, and it’s about half the price to live in an apartment close to campus.</p>

<p>EDIT: I was looking at the estimated costs from $35k looked off. Ways to shave that price: live off campus, like I mentioned. Don’t get a meal plan. [Or, if you do, get a commuter plan. I have their lowest meal plan option, and I’ll waste about $800 dollars since I haven’t spent all the money on it, and refunds are costly.] Find a cheap way to get to campus, if that’s an issue. [To get home and back over breaks, drive with a friend instead of getting a plane ticket. There are lots of rideshare programs.] A lot of things are just a matter of not spending much in general. Tuition, at $22k, should be the major problem.</p>