How are decisions releases?

<p>I know scores are released starting Friday and continue through the weekend and into next week. What I haven't heard is whether there is any method to the releases. Are deductions released region by region, college by college or is it more random?</p>

<p>from what I have heard, they are random.</p>

<p>It depends on who you ask. Conversation about this has been going on on this thread for the past several days.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some people say it’s alphabetical, others say it’s random. I guess we will just have to wait and see.</p>

<p>My understanding is that it will be done in alphabetical order. They plan to release 700 tomorrow sometime after 3.</p>

<p>So there’s no chance they will be release @ midnight?</p>

<p>Where do we find our decisions? Is there some kind of portal that we should have?</p>

<p>Just online most likely, on MyUM.</p>

<p>Decisions are released on myUM as well as via physical mail.</p>

<p>I wonder what time tomorrow though.</p>

<p>yep! Thats seems to be the question…</p>


<p>I think the best bet would be to check at 3pm, then 5pm, and then 7pm. No later than 7 cause its obvious the office is closed right?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be so sure that results wouldn’t be posted after seven. I know for Northeastern my results weren’t posted until around 9 pm and that was earlier than many. Decisions moved from the Northeast down the coast and then out west. The process is most likely computer operated and automated, no one needs to be in the office, I assume, to enact the process. Last year’s decisions came out around 3pm if I read the posts in the 2016 EA Thread correctly. Singer/Stamps invites earlier, hopefully the waiting won’t be too prolonged…hopefully</p>

<p>I heard that Admission is releasing EVERYTHING tonight online! That"s what the office said.</p>