How are off-campus housing at UCM?

<p>Well, my parents refuse to let me dorm, so I'm just curious as to how the outside housing are down there, and if anyone has any tips.</p>

<p>Usually 5-10 minutes by car.
[Off-Campus</a> Housing Listing](<a href=“]Off-Campus”>
Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I’ve been looking at housing around merced for a while now, there are some really nice places that are pretty affordable if you have a roommate. DO NOT get an apt. anywhere on Loughborough though.</p>

<p>After a year in Merced, I thought I’d help out the prospective Freshmen. </p>

<p>Looking at Google Maps and comparing locations, I just have this to say: Your best bet at a great apartment is going North of Olive Ave. and West of R St.</p>

<p>If you’re interested in houses, Bellevue Ranch (Bordered by Cardella Rd, G St, Bellevue Rd, and M St) and the El Rodondo area (Between R St, Snelling Highway, and Yosemite Ave, with El Rodondo Dr going up through the middle) are good places to look.</p>

<p>Hope this helps someone out there :)</p>

<p>whats wrong with Loughborough dr?</p>

<p>Honestly, it’s not one of the better parts of Merced, IMO. There are better yet similarly priced neighborhoods/apartment complexes in the city.</p>

<p>thanks for the tip…just found this article that elaborates on neighborhood [Rockin</a>’ way for Loughborough neighborhood to come together - Local -](<a href=“]Rockin”></p>

<p>If school starts August 24, the best time to look for a place is July?</p>

<p>I’d actually start looking right now. You can search for listings for roommates wanted, apartments, or houses here:</p>

<p>[Off-Campus</a> Housing Listing](<a href=“]Off-Campus”></p>

<p>On a side note, I’m also looking for a roommate for a two-bedroom apartment next semester. I’m a non-smoking, non-drinking male, and would appreciate a roommate that doesn’t smoke, do illegal drugs, and does not get wasted. No rambunctious parties as well. If you’re interested, PM me :)</p>

<p>I’m in LA right now so I wouldn’t be able to move to merced until August 1st, I hope thats not an issue.</p>

<p>Haha, I have a summer internship in SF, so I won’t be able to move in until August as well.</p>

<p>PM me if you’re interested :)</p>

<p>just sent you a message</p>