How are the Mount Vernon Campuses?

Hello! I got my rooming assignment today and I’m stuck in Merriweather. I really wanted Foggy Bottom but it’s unlikely someone would want to switch on the Mount Vernon campus so I don’t think that’s happening. Instead, both me and my roommate are seeing if we can switch into another dorming house on the MV campus. What are the others like in comparison to Merriweather?

Merriweather is one of the smaller, older dorms. The layout is very similar to Clark, Cole, and Hensley. If you don’t like Merriweather, don’t try for any of those. Somers is newer, has better layouts, houses more students, and is right next to the Vern Express shuttle stop (convenient, for sure). West Hall is nearly brand-new, has a great layout, and houses the only true cafeteria in the basement.

If you’re doing an actual room swap, the only people I can imagine that would rather go from Somers/West Hall to Merriweather are those that want more peace and quiet. The fact that Merriweather is female-only will limit the possibility of swaps, also.