Question about GW Campuses

I asked a question here about the Mount Vernon campus months ago and want to ask again to see if there has been any change with this year’s freshman class. My daughter is interested in GW but I’m worried she’ll get stuck living at the MV campus. Now that (I think) there is a new residence at the FB campus, has that changed the percentage of freshmen who need to live at Mount Vernon? Thanks!

My DD is a freshman this year at GW. There’s more room on FB with the new dorm (Thurston) but still not enough to house all freshman. The reality is that there will always be a chance that your daughter could be placed in a dorm at MV. A room swap is possible.

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My daughter researched it and it looks like about 700 freshman live at Mount Vernon, out of an estimated 2700 in 2021 at least. So that’s not current for this year but somewhat current. I also found this on their website and it also gives a breakdown of where first year students live. First-Year Students | Campus Living & Residential Education | The George Washington University

Many freshman live on the MV campus, but mostly as part of one of the residential communities (like the Honors program) or by choice. You get to rank your housing preferences by dorm, and it is my understanding that most incoming freshman get one of their top choices. I don’t think anyone can guarantee that your daughter won’t get “stuck” on the MV campus, but she it is extremely likely she can get Foggy Bottom if that’s her preference. Especially if she is flexible as to which dorm in Foggy Bottom.

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^ Echoing the above statement. IIRC GW asks you to list your top 8 choices for housing, so as long as you only list arrangements in Foggy Bottom, there is a very low chance you will be put on the Vern. The only people that I know that ended up on the Vern listed it somewhere in their top 8.

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