How are the top public schools having such a high acceptance rate compared to private ones?

That ploy with cards… How many HS kids and their parents fell into it? In reality, it is the College Board sharing kids’ addresses with colleges… I feel these admission offices are con artists that set unrealistic expectations, waste families’ time and money, and then break dreams and hearts all to manipulate ratings and increase the application pool…

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Why is it that we want to think of colleges as some sort of altruistic organizations. They are businesses (yes, even the State Colleges). They are vying for consumer dollars to keep running and ideally build larger & more prestigious. If they find a mechanism that works for them to do that they are going to pursue it.

It’s our jobs as consumers to educate ourselves and see through it and make the best decisions for us/families/children.

There is an option in the College Board settings to not share your address. Cuts down substantially on the college mailers.


Even altruistic organizations are businesses, since they cannot fulfill their altruistic missions if they go bankrupt (even for time-limited missions, they do not want to go bankrupt before the time limit, and prefer to wind down their activities orderly instead of in a messy bankruptcy).


Excellent point. Then I might have better said the idea that Colleges have completely altruistic missions.

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