How are we supposed to send stuff?

<p>How do we send recs in particular? My teachers gave me the envelopes back, so I'm mailing all of them together in one package. The envelopes are 9x12, so I'd have to put them in a 10x13 or something. Is that ok?</p>

<p>My understanding is that they want your teacher/counselor recommendations to be mailed seperately (hence, the numerous mailing labels).</p>

<p>For my S, he had all teachers turn in recs to the counselor, who put them with his rec, the transcript & the profile of the school & mailed it all off on one packet as well.</p>

<p>That's what I'm doing. I just don't know if I should put it in a 10x13 envelope.</p>

<p>If it all fits in such an envelope, why not?</p>

<p>Cuz they ask for a 9x12 =)</p>

<p>But I can't fit all the 9x12s in another 9x12</p>

<p>I have 10 x 13 envelopes.</p>

<p>I find these to be better since transcripts come in 9 x 12 envelopes.</p>

<p>I sent them through DHL yesterday yay...I just tld the DHL guy that when they got there that they had to be in separate envelopes so that didnĀ“t put them in one huge envelope, he sstuck them in a DHL bag, so I guess its ok....there was no way I was gonna trust my app to costa rican mail service ( it would ge tot he states like in 2 months hahahaha)</p>

<p>do we have to send an official transcript ourselves? my counselor said he submitted one with the school report, but some people i know are sending it off by themselves too.</p>

<p>^nah, if you're counselor sends one, you should be fine.</p>

<p>I think your counselor has to send the transcript together with the secondary school report, so you don't need to send one yourself.</p>