How are YOU studying for the AP Chem test?

I’d love to know how each of you is studying for this test. I’m planning on watching bozeman videos and practice out of the Barrons book, I don’t think I’m going to bother taking notes out of my chem textbook because it’s just condensed down in the Barrons book.

So I’d love to know how you plan on studying for the AP chem test. And to those who have already took it, please feel free to share if the studying method(s) are a good or bad idea.

Theres 5 weeks till the test!

It all comes down to what your preferences are. If you are a visual learner (or audio), bozeman videos are the way to go (especially when reviewing concepts through experiments). Practice out of Barrons book is a great method, it challenges you and reminds you what you need to prepare more on, but I recommend doing that after you’ve studied the materials beforehand.
Take notes if you have extra time, I highly recommend making your own notes from your textbooks only because rewriting information after you’ve processed it in your brain does engrave it in your memory (That’s why some people that write “cheat notes” on a flashcard don’t really need it in the end because they have tried to condense the information down and consequently learned it in the process)
Write down equations that you want to remember (Its less effective to just read it) maybe on a flashcard, or a piece of paper, anything that is convenient for you to just take out and take a quick glance. Maybe key words and concepts that you want to remember can be written down as well.

I hope you do well on your test, best of luck :slight_smile:

Hello guys, im currently in AP Chem and im self studying for the class. Im watching youtube videos and im gonna start the princton review soon. If you guys need help, let me know. :slight_smile: